Published Jul 9, 2006
crb613, BSN, RN
1,632 Posts
I am a new RNA (RN applicant). I do everything a real nurse does just under the supervision of a RN. I am working in Med Surg and absolutely love it!....but I am trying to figure out the doctor nurse relationship. Where I work the nurse's jump almost to attention when the surgeons come on the floor...they know what size gloves they wear, and what they refuse to wear (brand). They kill them selves to gather up all this stuff to take in the rooms on rounds (ie gloves, dressings ect). Some of these docs are just plain rude & think someone died & made them God....( if you have the wrong brand of gloves they throw a fit!) now is it up to me to gather up this stuff??? or why can't they get their own? I know this may seem petty & dumb to some of you but Lord.....I went to school to care for people not wait on docs. I guess I just don't get the surgeons are God thing....and would like to know exactly how ya'll see your role as a nurse, and is this kind of stuff up to us to do?? Thanks!
69 Posts
Where I have worked, we don't jump for the doctors. That is not to say we don't work with them as peers. I never have gotten up to give the doctor a chair, and I don't think I would today; but if a doctor asks me I would get them supplies they need.
However, as a new grad I would steer you to fitting in with the norm in your dept. No one likes a "smartey pants new grad". Pretty much doctors tend to do what they expect to have to do, if the dept sets limits the doc's will conform to those limits.
No....I am not a smarty pants new grad by any means. I am just trying to figure out what is within reason to do. I am not a trouble maker......I am just amazed to say the least at the change in the air when docs come on the floor. I don't have any problem working w/peers or getting needed supplies when asked......but this is like if its not ready & they might happen to need it...equals fit. BTW some have certain chairs they sit in when they look over charts...if you are in it you are told to get out of my chair!
41 Posts
This sounds way over the top to me! I'm all for showing respect to the MD's, but that should go both ways. Helping out is one thing, but kow-towing is another. It sounds to me like the RN's you work with have done themselves and anyone new a huge disservice, by knowing "their place"! I'm curious to know how your manager feels about all this - does she support this "barefoot & pregnant" view of nursing?
Having said that, I agree that rocking the boat might cause you problems, so you need to figure out just what you are willing to do. (We do have some MD's that want special treatment, but I don't treat them any differently than the others. Neither does anyone else on my floor, however.)
Becca, Thanks for your reply. I am glad you understood what I was trying to say. I have said exactly what you did....respect should go both ways. Not all the docs are like this but the biggest part are. The surgeons are the main ones. I am not there to cause trouble, but I feel like a maid, and nurses are treated like second class citizens. These are great nurses, and do a wonderful job. I am just having a hard time with this attitude. I don't know what the nurse manager thinks.....if I say anything I figure I will get the smarty pants new grad thing. It really urks me for this to continue.....what grounds are we setting for those that follow us? These same nurses actually ask each other....have you seen Dr. so & so today? what kind of mood is he in? Then proceed to get everything in "order" so he won't be upset over anything. I guess I will just deal with it/ or not when my time comes. Thanks
164 Posts
...but I am trying to figure out the doctor nurse relationship. Where I work the nurse's jump almost to attention when the surgeons come on the floor...they know what size gloves they wear, and what they refuse to wear (brand). They kill them selves to gather up all this stuff to take in the rooms on rounds (ie gloves, dressings ect). Some of these docs are just plain rude & think someone died & made them God....( if you have the wrong brand of gloves they throw a fit!) now is it up to me to gather up this stuff??? or why can't they get their own? I know this may seem petty & dumb to some of you but Lord.....I went to school to care for people not wait on docs. I guess I just don't get the surgeons are God thing....and would like to know exactly how ya'll see your role as a nurse, and is this kind of stuff up to us to do?? Thanks!
lol.. sorry had to giggle. You should read some of the postings in the operating room forum from frustrated OR nurses!
(some) surgeons = spoiled toddlers.
There are days that I feel like a pre-school teacher overseeing recess! But everyone knows that a GOOD Pre-school teacher never lets her "children" get out of hand. Assertiveness, good management support, high self esteem as a nurse wins everytime! Just be your own professional self, remember you are a PEER , not a handmaiden, and the surgeons will step in line!
I am a new RNA (RN applicant). I do everything a real nurse does just under the supervision of a RN.
BTW, you ARE a "real" RN! Stand tall and proud, girlfriend!
Totally agree with CuttingEdgeRN!!!
You're welcome. Good luck!
BTW, you ARE a "real" RN! Stand tall and proud, girlfriend!Totally agree with CuttingEdgeRN!!!You're welcome. Good luck!
Aaah Becca thank you so much! And CuttingEdgeRN thanks to you also....I get your message loud & clear!
6 Posts
I've worked on a medical floor for 18 years. We have a separate floor for surgery but of course surgical patient's with infections come to my floor. Doctors are treated noticably different on our surgical floor. Being a guy has always worked to my advantage with rude to the women MD's, but as you've observed, many surgeons are uniquely immature in their behavior.
I once told a surgeon he'd done something stupid. Instead of taking it out on me, he went to the nurse exec who then spent the day on our floor giving my director a hard time.
When nurses fail to respond to the "wait on me" surgeons, they stay on the floor longer and cause more problems, not just for you but for other staff.
My advice is to be confident of who you are and what your role is. Do what needs done to get what you need for your patient's. Don't hesitate to speak with your director when you think a doctor has behaved inappropriately. I've seen our director take a surgeon aside and set limits for him.
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
I agree some surgeons can be unreasonable for sure. We dont necissarily give up chairs for them. However, we are limited on how much room we have and where they can use the dictophone so sometimes there is need for someone to move so the dr can utilize the computer and phone at the same time.
I usually make rounds with the doctor. My feeling is that the patient needs me in there to "interpret" sometimes. After the doctor left there may be a multitude of questions from the patient. They may have not really been listening to the doctor, since they intimidate the patients sometimes and the patients hearing shuts down when the doctor is in there. So i can do my job to educate, explain, clearify or reiterate to family, then pass on in report what the doctor said and what he may have ment by what he said. Thats a very important part of nursing in my book. As far as dressings, procedures, i will gather supplies but the doc better make it clear what he wants because i will not be the errand girl.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Nurses have always gathered together supplies for the docs. It doesn't mean we think they are God. Surgeons in particular get their OR suites set up how they like them, all their supplies laid out for them by the OR techs and nurses.
I think it shows a good rapport that nurses know what size gloves the docs know and anticipate what they need. I don't consider gathering supplies "waiting on docs". There's a difference between setting them up for a procedure and being their servant.
Temper tantrums, rudeness and Godlike behavior by docs are another thing altogether and there's a whole skill set in dealing with that. Unacceptable behavior is unacceptable behavior.
Thanks to all of ya' advise is really appreciated! I guess I am a little overwhelmed and unsure of what I am suppsto far as making rounds w/the doctors. Once again thanks to all of you for your help!