Some Helpful Tips To Study For Nclex!


After taking the exam failing the first time and finally passing the second time with 85 questions! I wanted to try and give some tips to anyone out there studying for the exam. Just some helpful pointers---some not ALL!

1. Know the effects of fluid overload and dehydration!

2. Know positioning of clients.

3. Know the effects of hypocalemia, hypercalemia, hyponatremia...etc. That is very important!

4. Know the different types of respiratory conditions ie. COPD, asthma.

5. Know your math conversions ie gms -mg.

6. Know the different types of hepatitis diseases.

7. Know priortization!! (very important).

8. Know lab values!!!! ie specific gravity of urine etc....

9. Kaplan was very helpful!!!

10. Pray to God every day that He gives you the knowledge you need to pass this exam. :saint:

Once you are all done and pass you can throw those INDEX CARDS AWAY AND BURN THE BOOKS!!!!!!

That is what I did!!! :roll :rotfl: :lol2:


my tip is know everything :lol

After taking the exam failing the first time and finally passing the second time with 85 questions! I wanted to try and give some tips to anyone out there studying for the exam. Just some helpful pointers---some not ALL!

1. Know the effects of fluid overload and dehydration!

2. Know positioning of clients.

3. Know the effects of hypocalemia, hypercalemia, hyponatremia...etc. That is very important!

4. Know the different types of respiratory conditions ie. COPD, asthma.

5. Know your math conversions ie gms -mg.

6. Know the different types of hepatitis diseases.

7. Know priortization!! (very important).

8. Know lab values!!!! ie specific gravity of urine etc....

9. Kaplan was very helpful!!!

10. Pray to God every day that He gives you the knowledge you need to pass this exam. :saint:

Once you are all done and pass you can throw those INDEX CARDS AWAY AND BURN THE BOOKS!!!!!!

That is what I did!!! :roll :rotfl: :lol2:


Congrats on your success:balloons:

Thanks for the tips. I will use them and I can't wait to burn my books. I may have a book burning party!!!! Oh! also CONGRATS on your passing the NCLEX!:balloons::nurse:

Congrats on your success and thank you for your tips, any meds advice you think i should focus on? i failed my first time and soon will be testing again. Did you find it easier the second time around and did you strictly stick to kaplan? what were your scores if you dont mind me asking (as you can tell i'm nervous 2nd time around):uhoh21:

After taking the exam failing the first time and finally passing the second time with 85 questions! I wanted to try and give some tips to anyone out there studying for the exam. Just some helpful pointers---some not ALL!

1. Know the effects of fluid overload and dehydration!

2. Know positioning of clients.

3. Know the effects of hypocalemia, hypercalemia, hyponatremia...etc. That is very important!

4. Know the different types of respiratory conditions ie. COPD, asthma.

5. Know your math conversions ie gms -mg.

6. Know the different types of hepatitis diseases.

7. Know priortization!! (very important).

8. Know lab values!!!! ie specific gravity of urine etc....

9. Kaplan was very helpful!!!

10. Pray to God every day that He gives you the knowledge you need to pass this exam. :saint:

Once you are all done and pass you can throw those INDEX CARDS AWAY AND BURN THE BOOKS!!!!!!

That is what I did!!! :roll :rotfl: :lol2:


CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! thank you for the tips! i failed my first exam and hopefully i could pass the second time around like you. Godbless! :)

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