So now what do I do?


I've been living off 'nursing school stress' for the last 3 years...........Now Im done, pinning is friday the 14th and graduation is saturday. What do I do? Of course I will sit for boards, but I have all this 'extra time' on my hands. I feel like I should be doing a care plan or something............... :chuckle or washing my clinical outfit at midnight while studying for an exam........... :chuckle

What did you do after graduation???? :rotfl:

Specializes in ICU.

I just had my pinning last night. When I finished last week I went out and got a few mindless novels to read and had a massage!!

I am taking my NCLEX June 9th so I'll probably do a little review every day, but my big plan is to take some time to relax for a change!


NIce! im glad to see my fellow graduates taking time for yourself!!!

I went to the hairdressers this morning , my pinning is tonite!!! yay!!!

Im so anxious..........I want to look my best in my cap and white dress.........

I feel a tear welling up!!

Sigh........ Thanks for the congrats, Y'ALL!!!

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.
I've been living off 'nursing school stress' for the last 3 years...........Now Im done, pinning is friday the 14th and graduation is saturday. What do I do? Of course I will sit for boards, but I have all this 'extra time' on my hands. I feel like I should be doing a care plan or something............... or washing my clinical outfit at midnight while studying for an exam........... :chuckle

What did you do after graduation????

whoot !!! :balloons: Yes, I DO remember that feeling well !!!

Like, uhhhhhhhh... shouldn't I be STUDYING, or at least stressing about SOMETHING ??? Wierd feeling, isn't it? I kept on after graduation just to keep motivated...studied for my NCLEX pretty much 'round the clock. But after THAT was done, it was really strange. Almost like postpartum letdown. :rolleyes:

My sis flew me out to her place in Tucson for a week of fun in the sun and pool... pampered me, fed me, and treated me like a queen.... that helped the transition... couldn't have done that here.. being away helped it more than anything.

CONGRATS to you, and just BREATHE for awhile ! Listen to the birds, go sniff a rose or something, y'know? ;)

:chuckle Congratulations Happy student!!! That's great news!!! Have fun at your pinning and graduation ceremony. Relax while you can. After I graduated my friends and I went to Las Vegas and had a blast! Best of luck to you!!!

I've been living off 'nursing school stress' for the last 3 years...........Now Im done, pinning is friday the 14th and graduation is saturday. What do I do? Of course I will sit for boards, but I have all this 'extra time' on my hands. I feel like I should be doing a care plan or something............... :chuckle or washing my clinical outfit at midnight while studying for an exam........... :chuckle

What did you do after graduation???? :rotfl:

THAT is so cute! I know exactly how you feel! lol go out and have fun girl! celebrate!!! :balloons:

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.

Congratulations on your graduation! The day after I graduated, over twenty four years ago, I broke my engagement and cancelled my wedding that was scheduled for just six weeks later. I had been having doubts for quite a while, but attributed them to all the stress I was under with clinicals and finals, etc. Turned out I really didn't want to be married to the boyfriend I'd had since I was 17, and I have no regrets. Marrying him would have been the safe, easy course, but I would have missed out on so much of the adventure I've enjoyed. I partied and hung out for a week or so, but then started studying for my boards

CONGRATS 2 U.... happystudent (happy gn...soon2bhappyRN). I know what U R NOT going 2 do: worry 'bout tests, clinicals, careplans, presentations, projects, deadlines, readings, staying up all night studying, sacrificing fun times. I remember that feeling when I graduated. I felt like I had 2 study or something. I felt "guilty" w/ the sudden "free" time. However.... it is a good feeling. Don't party 2 much because U have ONE more test 2 study 2 become Happy RN.


First off, Congrats :balloons: I graduated May 2003 and took NCLEX about 6 weeks after that. I was working part time at that point. It did feel really weird not having to worry about clinicals, presentations, papers, etc. I was pretty sure at that point that I was getting the job I interviewed for ( which I did). I just relaxed on my days off, studied for NCLEX (which was kind of like being in school). My job wasn't starting till September so after NCLEX I had 8 weeks of total relaxation. I continued to work part time and went to visit some friends at the beach for 2 weeks. Enjoy the time off and best wishes for a successful carreer in nursing.


Thanks everyone for the kind words and congrats!!

I HAD THE BEST GRADUATION PARTY on saturday!!! Then I went to another party on sunday! It was so amazing! I have so many loved ones in my corner rooting for me!

I've been hanging out, visiting friends and family. If you have time check out my pinning pics in the break room!

Its so nice to see my hubby and kids again.

It's weird........Its like I've been around for the past 3 years but I HAVEN' feel what I mean, right?

I got to watch my sons karate practice today. Haven't done that since he was a yellow belt. Now the kid is a GREEN belt! Jeeeze, where'd the time go......(shaking my head)

Its all good!


Congrats on graduation and for all that hard work... good luck with boards. Believe me, it will take a while to get used to not doing care plans or reading 200 pages a night! But doesn't it feel good to be done?



I got pinned on May 12th, and now I walk around my house looking for things to do. I pick my son up from school now, instead of his father, and we go to the park for about an hour. I also get to take my mom out to lunch or go shopping with her, and I read 2 NON-NURSING books. I work 2 -12 hour shifts a week, so I have plenty of time off. I will start back with the NCLEX review books soon, but for now I can actually enjoy a few nights of sitting on the deck with a drink (ETOH) if you catch my drift. :uhoh3:

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