So here I go....

Nurses General Nursing


I'm hoping I'm in the right place for this; this site is so huge I may have missed the appropriate forum...

Here's where I'm at: changing careers in my late 30s (this probably isn't the first time you've heard this story, I know). My wife works at a hospital (she's not a nurse) and came up with the idea the other day of trying to get me a job there in some capacity (I've been working on commission and the market for it has gone south; plus, I've always hated it).

So this got me to thinking (dangerous, I know) and I started doing some research about various possibilities in health care. Nursing jumped out, as I think I'm too old to consider medical school (combined with the fact that I have less than no interest in becoming a doctor), yet I want more of a challenge (academically, at first, anyway) than a tech position (no offense against techs of any kind meant at all; just not a direction that initially appeals to me personally), and I'd like something that has room to grow. I'd never thought of it before, but as I began to look into the curriculum, I thought, hey, I can do this and, what's more, I think I might actually enjoy it. (Plus, my mother's a nurse; I have no idea how she'll react if I decide to do this. lol)

I've gotten as far as discovering that the local state university has a nursing program (I'm just a bit too far out to commute to some of the larger universities in the general area) and plotted out the prereqs at the local JC (I can get them done in a year).

What I'm hoping to get from some of you fine people is perspective, advice, encouragement or discouragement, etc. Just general thoughts from people with experience for someone looking to get into nursing. Anything you think is useful that you're willing to share would be most appreciated.

Thanks very much for your time.


Specializes in nursery, L and D.

We had a guy that was in his 40's in my nursing program. I found that not only was he a great nursing student, and eventually became a great nurse, he got alot more respect b/c of his age that I did (I was 18 at the time, sigh...) I acutally was a minority in my class b/c of my age, and this was 10 years ago. Most of the folks we in 20's, a couple where in their 50's. Anyway, I think you'll do fine, go for it!

It would also be a good idea for you to check the pre-nursing forum here in allnurses.

Good luck

Thanks. I didn't know there was one....

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.
I think this is kind of a snotty remark :banghead: and completely unfounded, no?

This a ridiculous comment.

I think we have to take into consideration this poster you are talking to is in another country. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Things might be different there, and English might not be their first language.

To the rest of us, please let this posters comments pass without further comment.

Never too old - especially with the shortage of nurses.

We really need nurses here in rural CA. Really!!!! Help!!!!!

I myself went back to school in my 30's and became a nurse at 40.

That isn't old. :D


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