So Excited!!

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


Specializes in LPN Student.

After the pre-entrance exam we were told roughly 2 weeks for the results. Day 16, passed, Day 17, comes and I open up the mailbox see the letter form the school and I am so afraid to open it yet cant contain myself not to open it.

After 17 days full of stress wondering if the months worth of studying had paid off.. I PASSED!!! This is going to be a long hard journey being a single mom but I am so excited I cant contain myself.

When I opened the letter saw the word congratulations I started to cry (I know pathetic), but I have waited so long for it to be my time where I could go to school that I just felt so overwhelmed!

The proudest moment was looking at my scores, looking at the very bottom and seeing a hand written word that says ADMIT. So now I have to wait to be contacted for the orientation meeting.

So now I am wondering if I cry over just the pre-entrance test, what will I do once I pass the NCLEX.. :chuckle


:ancong!: time to celebrate!!!! you deserve it!! good luck to you and your studies. im sure you will make a great :nurse:!!!!! tootlez:up::up::up:

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.


Specializes in geriatrics, geripsych.


amazing! so happy for you and your new journey. enjoy. you already did the hardest part, you started your adventure. congrats and don't forget to exhale!!

Specializes in Former MA and NA, now an LPN student.

Congratulations and best of luck to you!! :)

Specializes in LPN Student.

Thank you all so much!!! I have truly been on cloud nine since opening the envelope!

Specializes in Coronary Rehab Unit.

Major congrats and welcome to the "club" (...whatever that means :uhoh3:)

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