So...does anyone like it?

Nurses General Nursing


I've noticed that a lot of people complain about Med/Surg floors...they're either already placed on one and bucking to get off or their trying like crazy to avoid being placed on one after graduation. Why is that? I know I'm probably showing my naivete here but humor me please! Does anyone like the Med/Surg floor? What is it specifically that you like/dislike about that floor? Thanks in advance for your replies!!!


I have to agree with the 'God bless ya 'cause I sure wouldn't want to do it' crowd.

For those of you who do it and love it, or even just do it even though you don't love it so much, THANKS!! I totally couldn't stand med-surg. Talk about overworked and underpaid...sheesh!

I still can't believe it took me 10 years to get out of Med/Surg and into an area with legal nurse-to-patient ratios. I used to say that we were "2 pats of butter for a whole loaf of bread" - spread soooo thin. It still gets crazy in the NICU when we haven't been staffed for a sick admit, but NOTHING like it was night after night after night when I worked Med/Surg.

Sounds like the med/surg nurses are the best nurses in the whole hospital to me. I hope that if I am ever in the med/surg unit that I get some of yall from You sound great, and the fact that you love caring for all types of people is amazing to.


I spent two yrs on a med/surg floor before doing specialty and I the amount of information I was able to imass in that time was immeasurable. The only reason I left was due to the incredible patient loads.

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