Smoking Cessation

Nurses General Nursing


I replied to "What's in your pocket at the end of the day" and got to thinking about my New Years Resolution.I decided to quit smoking! Yeah I know..Yada Yada Yada.

Smoking made my house, clothes, breath,car, everything smell well like a cigarette. Plus the fact I really dont want to fight to breathe, seen it-don't want to do it!

I am using the Nicotrol Inhaler. I got it the the 2nd of January, just about the time my family was offering to go get me cigarettes!

It takes away the craving. It is like having a cigarette with you.

I like the oral and the tactile sensation of smoking, so this really works for me. It has been 12 days now,I think I can, I think I can....

If you are thinking of quitting, this may help alot. It has for me.

Oh man, Good luck, Sheila. I'm pulling for you. I've never smoked, but I know it's difficult. My mother smoked, my hubby smoked... four of my five siblings smoke!

I'm all in favor of whatever will help you!

Keep strong, I can't think of any other things to say, but I hope you do it!



Originally posted by SHEILA C

I replied to "What's in your pocket at the end of the day" and got to thinking about my New Years Resolution.I decided to quit smoking! Yeah I know..Yada Yada Yada.

Smoking made my house, clothes, breath,car, everything smell well like a cigarette. Plus the fact I really dont want to fight to breathe, seen it-don't want to do it!

I am using the Nicotrol Inhaler. I got it the the 2nd of January, just about the time my family was offering to go get me cigarettes!

It takes away the craving. It is like having a cigarette with you.

I like the oral and the tactile sensation of smoking, so this really works for me. It has been 12 days now,I think I can, I think I can....

If you are thinking of quitting, this may help alot. It has for me.

I have tried the inhaler you spoke of but it made me cough something terrible, not sure why. I did find an artificial cigarette and the hand to mouth thing is helpful. I have had no physical withdrawal but I keep wondering what the heck I did with my hands before I became a smoker. I'm just not sure what they're for, if not holding a cig! It's been 12 days, cold turkey and I confess, I fell once and smoked one but I got back up and started moving forward again. I'll keep you in my prayers too cause this is a tough battle for sure. I can diet much easier than giving up cigs. By the way, I've already started gaining back part of the 38 pounds I had lost.....which ones worse, being fat or smoking???? Good luck!!!

Hey Duckie - we're pulling for you, too! I really admire what you're doing.



Duckie; All I know right now is, I would rather be a little overweight and still be able to breath! Good luck. Looks like we are in this together-let me know how you are doing!:p

Listen to me; Giving encouraging words to stop smoking. Honestly, if you want to quit you will. If you are trying to overcome an addiction, then decide to quit, it can be hard, especially if you are addicted strong to smoking. Give yourself time to unravel the complex behavior patterns associated with smoking.

At school, most of the students smoke immediately at the breaks. During my clinical training at care facilities, I was surprised how you didn't have many choices of what to do on a break, or lunch. Most of my co-trainees, and the staff, went to the designated smoking spot. It was either that, or hang out in vending machine room. I can see if you are addicted to smoking, working in a care facility can be an enabler to smoking because there really isn't much to do during a break, or lunch.

Wouldn't it be nice if for lunch you could go to an exercise class for 45 minutes instead of just being bored, eating, and waiting to go home? Personally, I'd rather play shuffleboard and drink coconut juice during my 10-15 minute break. No one likes being in the same routine.

More power to you to stop smoking and have control. Go easy on yourself too :-)

Well Done I made my decision over 25 years ago and found a product called "Nicobrevin" did it for me, but I had to have a "pack" in my pocket just to overcome the "I havn't got one" feeling!

When I now look at the creased faces and listen to the laboured breathing of those who havn't given up I am so glad that I did.

Stick with it - it won't be easy but it will be really worth while.

Congrats on the healthy decision to quit!

I Quit poisoning myself w/ cigs (what else) on Nov 18, 2001. Used the 7 mg nicotine patch (I hate too many steps) and have been nic free for a month now. I feel great about my decision. The freedom one feels is undescribable. No mor slavery to nicotine. This is a hard drug. DRUG. Phisically it sucks fo a few days, the rest is in our heads. Just looking at my post-op smokers gagging, turning blue and hacking out half a lung gets me going when I start getting wishy washy.

Take care and keep up the great work all of you,


I quit almost 5 years ago (may 15, l997). Went cold turkey -= the nicotine patches gave me Atrial Tachy!

Used tootsie pops to overcome my oral - tactile needs and LOTS

of prayer to overcome my cravings!!!!!!!!!! Looked at it as a battle between God and Satan with me as the battleground, fighting for control over me and i'm NOT going to let Satan win!

It's worked so far! And I'm thrilled! (not schizo!);)

Originally posted by SHEILA C

Duckie; All I know right now is, I would rather be a little overweight and still be able to breath! Good luck. Looks like we are in this together-let me know how you are doing!:p

It's been 2 weeks today for me, how are you doing? I fell off the wagon once, smoked only one, felt like crap and am still yelling at myself. Everyone keeps telling me that I should use patches or something but I don't like that idea. I have to admit, I'm eating everything that's not tied down, just gotta get a grip on my nerves, but it will happen. My hubby is a smoker and he has done great at smoking when I can't see him. I can tell by his lack of cough that he has cut down severely by trying not to smoke around me. Who knows, he may end up quitting completely. I am worried about the weight gain but since I had lost almost 40 pounds if I gain it back, at least I'm better off than I was before cause I may be a butterball but I'll have healthy lungs!! Hubby says "no sweat, he'd be happy to widen the doors if need be!" I'm trying very hard to succeed because it would mean everything in the world to me if hubby would quite. How's your support group? What is the hardest times for you? We can do it, others have and we're just as tough as they are!!!!! You're in my prayers.

Nobody's posted to this for a couple of days.

I just wanted to let you guys who are going through the quitting know that the rest of us are pulling for you and hope you come out on top!!!



Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.

by all means, keep this thread going, denise ;)

Reading the strength of others is pushing me closer and closer to putting them down. I too, made the resolution and kept it four about four hours..grrrr

I've cut back a good bit, but still haven't quit.

Good luck to you strong. I quit when I was pregnant with my first child and after a couple weeks, it really got easier.

Started back out of stupidity.

Again, good luck!

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