Simple Nursing Review


Does anybody ever tried the simple nursing review by Michael Linares? I've watched some of his videos on youtube and it seems good.

I want to sign up but dont know if its worth it. 😄

I utilized the free videos for things I forgot and it helped me on my NCLEX. I never purchased the videos, I just used the ones that were free on youtube. I like using LaCharity and apps for questions. His approach is very straightforward and easy to understand, but that's only for content. You have to practice questions and I highly recommend study LaCharity.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

i knew a couple people in my class who were members. didn't hear anything but good things.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day: is my review based on experience as a paying customer. Since Michael does not allow ex customers in his forum, and quickly removes any posts even questioning his service (mine started out with just asking how do I know if support received my ticket), potential customers only hear/see one side of the story vs. getting both sides. Buyer beware.

Thank you.

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