Published Feb 9, 2015
thefmgirl, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
43 Posts
I didn't see a thread on this already. I'm working on my application right now for the May cohort. I'm thinking I might start in the Fall, but was told that start time received the highest number of applications and that I could delay my start if I wanted to apply to an earlier date. Anyone else doing this? I'm feeling a time crunch, as I'm moving to South Korea in April and wanted to have it all done. Simmons is one of the few online FNP programs that will allow me to do my clinicals on any military base world-wide, which is a huge help. I'm really excited, but have no idea what my chances are for acceptance. I have less than 2 years of experience, so I'm pretty weak in that area. How are applications coming for everyone else?
phyllis' mom
12 Posts
I've applied for the May 2015 cohort, as well, and experience is also my weakness. Have you heard anything from them yet? My application was complete as of yesterday, when my last recommendation was submitted, but they had the rest of my materials last week. I'm not a nailbiter, but now seems like a good time to start!
3 Posts
I submitted my application yesterday for May15 to both Simmons and GU.
Paige: did you hear anything back from Simmons yet?
Good luck to both of you!
Phyllis' Mom: How much experience do you have? I have 1.5 years and it seems like so little. I'm working on my final submission stuff. I have the online thing to attend tonight to get my application fee waived. The only issue I'm having is getting in touch with a physician for a reference. My hospital doesn't employ NPs, so I'm relying on the physicians I worked with...but I quit last month (since I'm moving to Korea) and now it's impossible to catch one of them! It would have been so much easier if I had concocted this plan a bit earlier! I hope to hear back by tomorrow on the physician I'm currently asking. Everything else is good to go. It's frustrating that an application can be affected so much by 1 recommendation. Good luck! And let me know when you get in.
Azgypsy: Good luck! I've not heard anything since I'm not quite complete. I hope to hear quickly once I hit that final submit button. Luckily, my nail biting will be kept to a minimum, as I'm planning a wedding and a move to Korea at the moment :) Let me know how it goes!
I've got just under a year of experience. And strangely enough, I had a similar problem with my references - the NP whom I'm shadowing (who is in private practice) had to reschedule, so I was not able to get a reference from her in time and I had to chase down an alternate at the last minute.
I have felt very supported by the admissions process, maybe even a little *too* supported (j/k) - but now that I have submitted my materials, I can't hear from them soon enough! The webinar was really great, and I thought it gave good insight into what the student experience will be like. Everyone in my webinar talked about "the platform" and it really is quite a different experience than other online classes that I have taken (I'm thinking specifically of Blackboard). I'm looking forward to using it, and I think it will give a more meaningful experience.
Congratulations and best wishes on your wedding - and your move - and your application! It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate.
Ugh! Yes, I talked to the admissions counselor about an advanced practice nurse who knew me (in school), but since she didn't work with me, it was suggested I use a doc who knew my skills. So difficult. What area of nursing is your experience? I had 4 months in critical care and 1 year in L&D and I felt like the variety of ages and sick vs non-sick really helped me make this decision. I tried a trial of the platform and I loved it! I, too, am used to Blackboard and this was light years beyond that. I'm really excited to (hopefully) use this program. Their pass rate is amazing and so I know they must be doing something right.
1 Post
I am also in the process of applying to Simmons for May 2015...need to finish up this weekend. Seems like a great program after much research. Best of luck to all.
2 Posts
Hello everyone, I too have applied to SU May 2015 cohort. Per my admissions counselor, my app is almost ready for faculty. I have 3 years nursing experience, however, it's not clinical. That is my major concern. But, they look at the person as a whole. There is another thread where students were accepted at SU with conditions to complete stats, or a bio bridge course which costs about 2400.
I've worked with patients in labor & delivery and cardiology, and hospice and mental health in an administrative capacity.
It has taken a while for some odds and ends to get sent from my current school, but I have also been told that my application is about to go to faculty. My admissions person told me that I would get an email when it did, and I have been obsessively checking ever since! Of course, now I'm starting to get worried, but if it doesn't come together for May, then it's onward to the September start date...and although I'm anxious to get started, the more I think about it, I wouldn't mind having a longer break this summer.
As for the bridge course, I talked to my admissions rep about that, too. It was early on in the process, so I may be remembering it incorrectly, but she said that the health assessment course is a quickie online course that can be completed in a weekend (again, if I'm remembering correctly). I thought she said it was more like $100. I thought that I had read about the expensive courses in other threads for people who were applying to direct entry on campus, not the online program; I looked up the admissions requirements and they are indeed different for the on campus versus online programs. I don't know why.
Thanks for the clarity. Fingers crossed everyone!
deepbluefive, BSN, RN
19 Posts
I've also applied for the May 2015 cohort. My application went to the faculty yesterday, so here's to the waiting game! Good luck to all
TashaLPN2006RN2012, ASN, RN
1 Article; 1,715 Posts
Just wanted to pop in and tell everyone good luck! I'm starting term 4 this week! =) It's been a crazy year for me for sure!