Published Oct 5, 2011
169 Posts
how do you cope with a sick family member in the hospital for possibly long term? (this is my family member btw, and they are hospitalized in the same hospital and unit i work in, which makes it twice as hard)
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
"Cope" can mean a lot of things. What part of it are you anticipating the most struggle with? Time? Emotions? Finances? I have a lot of experience in this realm and am happy to share my experiences.
Esme12, ASN, BSN, RN
20,908 Posts
I am sorry that you have a loved one who is ill. :hug:My prayers for their experience with illness to be brief.
( maybe I shouldn't have assumed you love them, for I have family members I am not too fond of...)
Set limits......Don't care for them during work hours. If something were to happen you don't want to be the nurse in charge, besides doing peri-care on a family member that's not your kid is icky. Make it clear to family that when they visit that your are working and to leave you alone to do your job. YOu are not their messenger or go-fer (you know....go for this, go fer that). Talk to your boss. If your family member can't be placed elsewhere, maybe you can be reassigned to another unit while they are there or perform other duties off the floor. If you need it, apply for a FLMA leave if they are a close relative. But the big one......don't care for them during work don't want ofr need that responsibility. :redpinkhe
emotions during work hours is definitely what i think will be the hardest. i dont know how to handle myself when this person is now at my job, where i am expected to be professional. its not easy to have a sick family member at home but at least the problems can try to be left at home. but now my problems are brought to work.
:hug: That WILL be hard. I took care of the family member of an nurse at my hospital over the summer. The nurse would come down on breaks to see this family member and would speak with the staff taking care of the family member to get a good rapport going. I think that helped a lot with feeling as if the family member will be well cared for. The nurse would also put little notes on the dry erase board letting staff know what they were most concerned with about the family member, ie: please talk to me softly, I get upset by loud voices!" or "Please treat my pain and bathe me gently". Stuff like that.
Maybe plan to have meals with your loved one when possible, so that during the in-between hours you feel as if you are going to be touching base shortly. That may let your mind focus on your tasks at hand, knowing in just a little while you will be back to check on them.
MrChicagoRN, RN
2,605 Posts
how do you cope with a sick family member in the hospital for pos sibly long term? (this is my family member btw, and they are hospitalized in the same hospital and unit i work in, which makes it twice as hard)
How do you & your relative feel about them being on the same unit?
Some are comforted by being cared for someone close, while others are disturbed by the boundary issues, and loss of privacy.
It may be difficult for you to be in a position of having family members asking lots of questions re this person's care.
Do they have to be on your unit, or can they be placed elsewhere?