Published Jan 5, 2013
1 Article; 360 Posts
hi, I am currently working home health nursing as an LPN. THese last couple years, i feel my skills are becoming stagnant. I am not learning anything new. I would like to work in a nursing home , especially to learn more about meds and diabetes. I also enjoy working with the elderly.
Should I go for it? or will the staffing shortages make me regret it?
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Do you enjoy home health? If so, I would stay put. Skills are overrated, and as long as I like my job, I couldn't care less if I learned another new skill ever again.
If you think you're missing something, go ahead and take the plunge into the world of LTC. However, you do not necessarily need to work in LTC to learn more about medications, diabetes and disease processes.
105 Posts
You could always just take a couple of continuing education classes to brush up on your skills.
36 Posts
The internet is a great teacher! I agree with the others, if you like what you are doing now- don't leave it!
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I am looking for greener pastures though.
I need to learn new things or I will become stagnant.
brown eyed girl
407 Posts
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I am looking for greener pastures though. I need to learn new things or I will become stagnant.
Thanks everyone!
623 Posts
If I had the choice between Home Health and LTC I would pick Home Health but I have been a LPN for 17 years. I have been trying for several years to land a Home Health position but nobody leaves lol! I currently work as a wound nurse/hyperbaric tech. in a wound healing clinic. While I love the Mon-Fri. 8am-4:30pm, holidays off, not having to deal with the corporate machine in LTC and the tight knit, small group I work with, it's not what I *want* to do you know?
I understand a lot of LPNs would give their right arm to work in a clinic and get out of LTC, but the grass is not always greener on the other side. Clinic work can be very stressful, esp. when you have a manager who thinks you should never make a mistake and calls you out on it in front of others.
zieglarf, LVN
57 Posts
Work LTC on PRN basis and stay with the Home Health. Then after some time you would have a frame of reference for what to do next.