Should I follow my heart and start school as a nurse? *Not a fast learner and stupid!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



New member here!

I decided to become a LVN here in Texas (same as LPN in Florida)

My mothers a LPN, and even though she is struggling with bills and such, I know nurses make awesome money, and work seems to come easy and I can afford to live on my own! I am 21 years old! I went to college when we use to live in Florida, I did pretty good, but failed due to my home life that is stressful and not uplifting. I had two math classes (basic math) that I failed because I never showed up for the test. I knew I was going to fail, me and math don't mix well, because I fail a lot. My major then was RN, two years later I still didn't finish school due to good old math, the school I had said I had to pass a math class before any other classes would open for me.

My mother said she would go to sign me up.......I am 21 and in order to get goverment help to pay for my classes for low income families my mom have to sign me up or I have to be 25 years old, or married. She laughed and said lets see when you fail this what new excuse will you have? She always talks about me living with her forever!

My school years in middle school were running.......I learned nothing, but to run. My school was ghetto, and the kids didn't like my shy ways and well I learned nothing. So I am even more behind!!!!!!


I know how to add, I know how to solve time tables........but I have been slowly trying to learn the lower numbers like 3-12 times table by memory, because in order to do division I need to know the basics by memory,and yes I don't know how to do divison : ( I never learned to because I knew I would mess up anyway.

I know I would make a awesome nurse, I care about others and never rush with people ect.

But I am suppose to sign up this Aug. but my math skills are so be a LVN/LPN you need mad math skills..........can I learn fast enough? SHould I give up and live with my mother? Why is my mind slow with math??

Any advice?:cry:

buckle down and just dooooooooooooooo it dont make any excuese, I was worst off than you are and look at me today, I have a 3.8gpa and made Deans list not once but, twice and still I continue to struggle but, I wont let it get to me....and you are talking to a man that was expelled from H.S and at the time was attending to Special education class and haddddd an alcholic mother at home that didn't care whether I finish school or not. 17 years later I went back to night school and graduated from an Adult H.S. Program with High Honors and graduate top 3 of my class, afterward I decide to go to college and here I am 5 year later still going on strong with not one to stop me. Let me also reminded you that I have 4 other sibling and none of them never even finish H.S not even the 9th grad. please let me be a good example to you, Life come with all type of struggles but, it up to use to see if we can get over those struggles...If I can do it, you can do it also. Good luck.

Look, you are not alone. Look to see if your school offers developmental math courses. Those classes go all the way back to the beginning. Don't be ashamed, not everybody is a math person, myself included. I had taken almost 110 crdit hours before I finally took college algrbra. The first thing is to change your attitude. If you go in there with a negative attitude you will fail before you start, make friends with "math". Second, sit in the front of the class and ask questions like crazy. If you don't understand, ask for help because as i'm sure you are aware math builds on a foundation, if you miss something in between you will be lost later. STAY POSITIVE!!!!!! You can do it!!!!

Your right, I need to stay positive, but its so hard! My family reminds me that I went to college for two years!! I thought it was one, but I guess two! I spent my time bringing up my grammer, basic stuff I should have already known! It did help a lot because when read my past journals when I was 18 for example some of it made no sense! I did have a math teacher, when any student asked a question he would say I already went over that and didn't pay us any mind!!! So I didn't take the test, but now your at college algrbra? That is 100 percent amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think you should address the math issue before you start nursing school. Trying to do both at the same time may be overwhelming and you may be setting yourself up for failure by trying both at the same time. Check with your school to see if they have some sort of math class or math tutoring to help you. You might also check with a local community college. They may have a class for people who need some special help with math. Your local high school may offer some adult education for people in your situation. You might want to check with them.

Good luck to you. There is probably help out there for people who have special needs somewhere in your area. You just need to find it. Once you improve your math skills, you will be able to tackle nursing school with a lot of confidence and with a good chance of success.

Thats what I have been thinking I should do, but then I want to leave home so bad! I know a career in nursing is rewarding and also it won't be hard for me to find a job..........been job searching for over 6 months now! Unskilled jobs are quickly taken. I get what your saying and it may be the best thing to do, but then I have this huge want to leave him.

I agree w/llg. Most Community Colleges have an office to help folks w/learning disabilities. They can help you diagnose if you have a learning disability related to math, and develop a plan to help you deal w/it. I suspect that is the problem.

Try to find one @ the community college nearest to you, and meet w/them before you go any further.

LVN school is at a private school, but to be honest I wish I did have a learning disability! I was checked out like three times, all my classes were somehow at a normal level, but math! I use to be great at math in grades 3 and under, but after failing once...........I found ways to skip it, I know its my fear in it. But am not learning math fast enough and that worries me, is it possible to maybe have some form of disability in math?

I think it's all about how much heart you put into it. Been to college for 2 years before I quit, 2.5 gpa... went back last semester for nursing & been making straigt A's ever since. My daughter now is my biggest motivation. Find what is gonna make you push yourself to the max.

Awww I love stories like yours, makes me rethink about myself. Your daughter is what keeps you going so you can be a wonderful role model for her! I do need to push myself..........maybe instead of studying 15 min of math 3 times a week, it needs to be daily and a few more times a day.

I started out with developmental classes in college because I never had someone who really explaind it well to me. I hated that I had to take that class, but the teacher I had was awsome she really went slow to where I could do it I had alot of problems with fraction and now I can do them. I was extremly nervous about college algebra and I passed with a B and I never have to take it again.:yeah: I am not a math person at all. I am in Texas too. What school are you going to go too?

****Can't e-mail you yet until I post 15 times! But yes am interested!

buckle down and just dooooooooooooooo it dont make any excuese, I was worst off than you are and look at me today, I have a 3.8gpa and made Deans list not once but, twice and still I continue to struggle but, I wont let it get to me....and you are talking to a man that was expelled from H.S and at the time was attending to Special education class and haddddd an alcholic mother at home that didn't care whether I finish school or not. 17 years later I went back to night school and graduated from an Adult H.S. Program with High Honors and graduate top 3 of my class, afterward I decide to go to college and here I am 5 year later still going on strong with not one to stop me. Let me also reminded you that I have 4 other sibling and none of them never even finish H.S not even the 9th grad. please let me be a good example to you, Life come with all type of struggles but, it up to use to see if we can get over those struggles...If I can do it, you can do it also. Good luck.

I am almost speechless!!!!

Reading this I have no excuses. What made you go back to school? This is amazing!

: ) Tons of fun with mother, but your right I shouldn't give up, just highly nervous since my math skills are too basic and I saw a list of things we would have to learn like dose size ect. and the math.....just jaw dropping!

I am not sure if they have tutors there,but hopefully the teacher will be understanding!

I hear ya! A couple months ago I bought a dosage calculations book to get a head start and it's hard. BUT they explain it very well on how to solve problems. My husband is good at math so it's nice to know I have someone if I have a question. It's taking me what seems like forever to get through each chapter because I hate it, lol....but I know it has to be done and I don't want to look like a total moron when school starts, lol. So remember....follow your heart and bust your a**!! :)

Anything worthwhile can and will be difficult. It sounds to me like you have missed a chunk of math that keeps you from going on to the next level. As others have stated look into a coummunity college for developmental math classes. I took all of them and it really helped me. You also need a good teacher, it makes a big difference. I made it through college alg. with a B, and I still hate math. It's just a hoop you have to jump through. Nursing math isn't that difficult, it's more basic math. Just take one step at a time. It doesn't matter how long it takes, just finish what you start. Don't listen to anything negative, only positive things and stay focused!!! You will get the hang of it.

I just really wanted to better myself and stop making excuses...I'm taking three class this semester instead of two, which I usually take every semester... I have to repeat my math class due to ended up with a dyslexia professor, he passed all of my classmate and none of us understood the material at all...I was better off teaching myself. Listen, don't give up at all please it's people like you that make myself believe within myself....just gooooooooooooo for it and take your time, their is light at the end of the tunnle...good luck

Well like alot of people, you hate math, I hate math as well. The funny thing about school that I learned is that if you stick with it and work with it, it would work for you. Your problem is you keep running and if you stop for a minute and realize that you can run but you can not hide then you will learn to overcome those fears and face reality that no matter what you do you will need to face the facts that some things you just can not hide from. I understand what you mean about schools not teaching or you did not learn anything because believe me you I was in college for four years and learned absolutely nothing except from this one teacher and that was at the end. So I really understand you but only you can face your fears. And like mentioned above all colleges have tutors and better yet most colleges some professors even have a study time for you to set up an appointment and have them go over it with you and only you. I do not think it is the class I think it is more of the students. Because for me it is having to put my hands up in class and ask questions. So do not be afraid to get one on one help to pass the class. Good luck

Well like alot of people, you hate math, I hate math as well. The funny thing about school that I learned is that if you stick with it and work with it, it would work for you. Your problem is you keep running and if you stop for a minute and realize that you can run but you can not hide then you will learn to overcome those fears and face reality that no matter what you do you will need to face the facts that some things you just can not hide from. I understand what you mean about schools not teaching or you did not learn anything because believe me you I was in college for four years and learned absolutely nothing except from this one teacher and that was at the end. So I really understand you but only you can face your fears. And like mentioned above all colleges have tutors and better yet most colleges some professors even have a study time for you to set up an appointment and have them go over it with you and only you. I do not think it is the class I think it is more of the students. Because for me it is having to put my hands up in class and ask questions. So do not be afraid to get one on one help to pass the class. Good luck

Based on all these answers and yours I have decided to go to college to become a RN, not a LPN/PVN...........will take longer, but I am starting to have more faith in myself based on answers like yours. I need to stop running.....I agree, if I stick to it and continue to study I will do well, and I do need to stop beating myself up when I don't get something the same day! College seems to offer more help and I can go to the professors! I agree with all you said, my thanks!

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