Should I follow my heart and start school as a nurse? *Not a fast learner and stupid!

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing



New member here!

I decided to become a LVN here in Texas (same as LPN in Florida)

My mothers a LPN, and even though she is struggling with bills and such, I know nurses make awesome money, and work seems to come easy and I can afford to live on my own! I am 21 years old! I went to college when we use to live in Florida, I did pretty good, but failed due to my home life that is stressful and not uplifting. I had two math classes (basic math) that I failed because I never showed up for the test. I knew I was going to fail, me and math don't mix well, because I fail a lot. My major then was RN, two years later I still didn't finish school due to good old math, the school I had said I had to pass a math class before any other classes would open for me.

My mother said she would go to sign me up.......I am 21 and in order to get goverment help to pay for my classes for low income families my mom have to sign me up or I have to be 25 years old, or married. She laughed and said lets see when you fail this what new excuse will you have? She always talks about me living with her forever!

My school years in middle school were running.......I learned nothing, but to run. My school was ghetto, and the kids didn't like my shy ways and well I learned nothing. So I am even more behind!!!!!!


I know how to add, I know how to solve time tables........but I have been slowly trying to learn the lower numbers like 3-12 times table by memory, because in order to do division I need to know the basics by memory,and yes I don't know how to do divison : ( I never learned to because I knew I would mess up anyway.

I know I would make a awesome nurse, I care about others and never rush with people ect.

But I am suppose to sign up this Aug. but my math skills are so be a LVN/LPN you need mad math skills..........can I learn fast enough? SHould I give up and live with my mother? Why is my mind slow with math??

Any advice?:cry:

I just really wanted to better myself and stop making excuses...I'm taking three class this semester instead of two, which I usually take every semester... I have to repeat my math class due to ended up with a dyslexia professor, he passed all of my classmate and none of us understood the material at all...I was better off teaching myself. Listen, don't give up at all please it's people like you that make myself believe within myself....just gooooooooooooo for it and take your time, their is light at the end of the tunnle...good luck

Thats what makes it long! I did the same in the past 2 classes per term, people who took 3-4 are done with school! light at the end of the tunnel, a friend told me the same, since you said I believe things happen for a reason. I will do the same. I decided to go to Brooke heaven college!

Specializes in N/A.

I agree with all here! Have faith in yourself, cop a positive attitude and you can do it. I'm in my 2nd semester of pre-reqs and it's 4 classes and a lab and still working as a Birth Doula/Lactation Counselor. Last semester I only took 3 classes. I'm no spring chicken...I'm 48. I slept through math 30 years ago. In the fall it's Intermediate Algebra and will take College Algebra after that. This is what I want and if I don't take control no one will. I asked questions (LOTS of them) The school also has tutoring...great tutors for the math we need to catch up??? A high school student! I know I'm not stupid...just had trouble with math the first time around. I've been keeping myself "refreshed" by doing homework out of my book from my last class. Good luck!

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