Should I consider this a "good Omen"?

Nursing Students General Students


The other night I had a dream that I was at my graduation from Nursing School (I start my 1st semester on 9/2). The dream overall was stressful, going here and there and thinking I was going to be late etc...Then when I went to take my seat in the bleachers and looked over to where my family was sitting I saw my mother with my daughter. My mom died 7 years ago, before my daughter was born. It was a very cool dream, and I want to think that this is a good sign. :rolleyes:

i'm sure that was your mom's way of letting you know that everything will be just fine...:redbeathe

Specializes in Acute Mental Health.

I took my pn boards this past week and have a similar story. My father passed away almost 12 yrs ago and no matter how much I've wanted to, I have never been able to dream of him. About a week before my exam, I dreamt about my father every night. The dreams really weren't centered or anything, just random. But, I could hear his voice, see him, even smell him. I knew that I would do fine on my exam. The day of the exam I was calm and not worried at all. My father was such a special man and I feel so much more at peace since these dreams.

I hope that you too feel that calm peace. It is the best! Just because we can't see our loved ones doesn't mean that they aren't with us every step of our journey! I think your mom might be letting you know this. :redbeathe

Specializes in CDI Supervisor; Formerly NICU.

Sure, why not?


Wow! I'm so glad your test went well...and I totally agree w/you about our loved ones who have passed, they are still pulling for us. I haven't had a ton of dreams about my mom, but when I do, even if they are just's a great feeling. I hope my mom continues to come to me during the tough times in school and my exam too. Good luck with everything!

Specializes in Cardiac.

I remember hearing from Silvia Browne (psychic who comes on Montel Williams) that those who have passed come to visit us in our dreams. That's how they communicate with us--if you believe in that sort of stuff...

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

dreams are messages from our unconsciousness that are telling us about ourselves. the people, objects and actions in the dream are all symbols. feelings of stress mean you feel unprepared and incapable. missing or lost objects and being late to class in the dream help to reinforce that. the emotion you feel is quite real.

graduation represents moving on to do better things or moving to higher levels. school always represents the opportunity to experience knowledge, growth and expansion of the mind and consciousness. any sitting indicates inactivity or doing nothing but the fact that these were bleachers could also indicate you are observing, contemplating, or watching the whole idea of nursing school or the completion of school, the idea of the competition in school, or simply graduation. i thought it interesting that you used the word "bleachers" since i immediately thought of a playing field and not an auditorium. a playing field is a place of competition where there is either victory or defeat. perhaps the reason for all the stress--will you succeed? that might be the source of the stress in the dream.

when family members, alive or dead, appear in our dreams they are bringing us insights or warnings. people in our dreams are not to be thought of as who they are but as attributes, skills or talents that they possess that you also own but are not seeing in yourself. so you must think what there is about your mom and daughter that you admire or perhaps even think of as negative (another source of your stress?) that you also have in yourself. children in dreams very often represent new ideas that we have (becoming a nurse?) and the age/development of a child in a dream tells you where this idea is in terms of its evolution and the idea coming to fruition.

i would say this dream was reminding you of your insecurities about going to nursing school. your inner self wants to remind you that you have the same traits within you that your mom had. i don't know what those were, but you do. what would she advise you today? what would your daughter do if she were you do you think? you have the abilities within you to be successful and achieve this goal.

i'm very happy for you to have been able to see your mom again. the people who leave us are never really gone. wait until you start school and see what kind of dreams you get! you should keep a dream diary.

the mystical magical marvelous world of dreams by wilda b. tanner


Thanks for your responce to my post..very interesting thoughts...and I really should start a dream journal..I have lots of neat dreams.

My mom was my biggest fan ...and apparently still is. Since her death, I have felt that I lost a good bit of my confidence. It has taken me a long time to get to this point (NS) and it still takes work sometimes to right myself when I have certain anxieties. I am a very capable person..I went back and finished my BS in Public Health 2 months after her death. I guess I needed that reassurance that I can do this.

As for the bleachers, they were in an auditorium, not on a field. And my daughter was 3 in the dream, her real age. The other weird part of the dream was that my mom was with my sister-in-law, who I'm very close to but I recently has a spat with. This is the 3rd dream that my mom was in my dream with just my daughter & sister-in-law, no one else, not my boys, husband, dad, brothers...I wonder what that means.


Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

i did a lot of dream analysis. as i said people who appear in our dreams always represent a character trait our unconsciousness is trying to point out that we exhibited. so think about how you acted that day that was so much like your sister-in-law. an auditorium is a public place and the best i would make of that is that it represents something huge and beyond your control which is how we view public places. perhaps that is how your mind perceives the argument. there seems to be a lot of things going on in the dream.

start journaling your dreams. get a book of dream symbols like the one i listed. i don't know if that book is even being published anymore. i've had it for over 10 years. you will get similar themed dreams until your subconscious mind is satisfied that you got its message to your conscious mind. sometimes it's a lot of fun to get these because they are so psychotic in construction, but they can be helpful too. i've had dreams warning me about problems with my car and in the house. this is true power that our minds have that most people do not tap into. i also get dreams of premonition but i've learned to tell the difference between them and the ordinary ones--they are remote viewing. i saw 9/11 happening while i was asleep 5 years before it happened. talk about being upset.

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