SHARP New Grad Nurse Residency Programs, Summer 2014

U.S.A. California


Anyone else out there getting ready to apply?

Just called HR and they said you may update your profile up till March 10 and they will be able to see the updates.

That is good to know. Thanks.

Just curious. Is there any sort of confirmation email that an application went through or is it only the web confirmation at the end of the application?

I never got one... Wish there was one though. Honestly don't know if I did the application right

How do you submit your portfolio? Did you upload it with the same tool used to upload your resume? Thanks!

If I recall correctly, there was an area for other documents like cover letters, etc.

Yeah there it is right above the resume, but once you submit it you cannot look at it like your resume. Has anyone else's resume'a format change after submitting it?

My format also changed. I just hope that's a web preview only, and they get the properly formatted file directly.

My format has changed too. PDF upload.

For those who submitted a coverletter, I do not see it, under "cover letter or other documents." I only see the eportfolio I just uploaded. Anybody else see theirs or no?

...nevermind. I clicked "save" and it has vanished. I'm assuming the cover letter and it are now saved to the system. This is all under "My info" and will be applied to the job application, correct?

Yes mine was under my info. I uploaded a cover letter and it disappeared so hopefully means it is saved. I wish there was a way to preview our "online application"

I applied too! Let the waiting game begin...

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