sex education in school

Specialties School


i was on the dr.phil site (i am a chronic phil watcher) and I was reading the replies to the show about sex education in schools. I was SHOCKED to read how many people believe that sex education should not be taught in school at all, but instead left entirely up to the parents. From a nursing point of view, I found this disturbing. Sex ed is more than just about a moral decision but medical consequences such as STDs, pregnancy, etc.

What are your opinions? :confused:

As a parent (even though I have toddlers), I have mixed feelings on sex education in schools.

Granted, it's necessary because you have teen pregnancies occurring that may otherwise could have been prevented b/c parents are sticking their head in the sand and not telling their children anything.

However, I also feel that sex education should not be forced on students who have parents that prefer to do the teaching themselves....that takes our choices away.

One of my neighbors, who was a stay-at-home mother, took her 8 year old OUT of a public school b/c she came home and said they had a sex education instructor to come in, talk to them about sex, and even demonstrated on how to use a condom.

To me, in that age group, 190% inappropriate. She is now homeschooling her child and refuses to return her child to the public school system until her and her husband can move to an area to get her into a private school.

I do not feel, however, it is appropriate to teach sex education in schools UNLESS an advance notice is sent home and are giving parents the option of whether to allow their child to attend.

I for one would NOT want my children to attend (if they were older).

I also don't feel that it's appropriate to teach sex education with mixed genders....I feel that teens will ask more questions if they are in a same-sex environment, and taught by someone of the same gender.

Teens, as you know, will keep mum about anything before they embarrass themselves.

Just my .02

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

everyone on here says that parents should have the option to teach their children about sex the way the want to. this sounds like a great idea except it isnt happening parents! When i was in high school (a school of 2300 students) I did a survey and 90% of students said their parents did not talk to them about sex at all or just told them to 'not do it'. This is scary!! I was on the cross country team and there were freshman girls bragging about getting 'laid'. It's horrible but the age now to loose it is 12-13. And their parents have no idea. who is going to suspect a 12 year old? I had to explain to them about birth control and condoms because i doubt abstinence was an option of birth control for them. Parents are not stepping up to the plate. Now i am in college and only one person on my whole entire floor is abstinent. that person is my room mate and even she had given in to oral sex. which still causes std. tell your kid to wait and the might find other ways to not have sex if they even listen to u at all. schools need to step in its getting out of control.

Everyone says this generation of teens is 'bad' all i have to say is we learn from the best!

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