service animal in a high school

Specialties School


We have just been informed that one of our high school students will soon be accompanied by a service dog.  Looking for any advice, comments, experiences.


Specializes in retired LTC.

That's fine. Like I said, ADA takes priority. No problem.

At least, the other child's issues WERE recognized and alternative measures were implemented. That's all that's requested. Not making the phobic child just sit there having to 'suck it up'!!

Specializes in Community health.
On 4/30/2021 at 12:25 PM, Emergent said:


As far as an emotional support dog, I think that's why people get dogs because they are emotionally supportive of humans. My dog is an emotional support for me. That doesn't mean I should get to take him anywhere.

(I know I’m being off-topic, because I know this thread is supposed to be about disability service dogs.) You’re so right about “emotional support dogs,” which I used to see constantly on airplanes, before the airlines cracked down. I was explaining to my nine year old son about the concept and he said the same thing you did— “That’s called a pet!  My cat emotionally supports me, that’s why we got her.”  Haha. 

I'm all for service dogs in schools. Emotional support dogs not so much.

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