SELU spring 2012


I am applying to Southeastern for the spring 2012 entering class. My pre-requisite GPA is 3.612, and I'll be finishing up the last 12 pre-requisite hours at SELU in the fall. Is this a competitive GPA for the traditional BSN program? Also, I was told that in order for me to apply before finishing my pre-reqs I would need to be enrolled at SELU, do you know if they use the mid-term grades for that last semester to determine acceptance (and that's why I need to be enrolled there)?

I dont think that they look at midterm grades. What matters is your pre-req GPA for when you submit your application. If you didnt finish ALL your pre-reqs when you submit your application, you must be enrolled in all those last classes the semester before you are to be in the program and pass them. They usually dont factor in those grades during your application because you dont have any grades for them yet, what matters is what you have when you submit your application. A 3.6 is a good grade, but the traditional program is more competitive than the others and you might want to call in and ask them what was the cut off for that type of program. Good luck, ok.

They don't take midterm grades at southeastern. You just have to be currently enrolled in all your remaining classes, or plan to be enrolled in them during the summer. The cutoff was a mid 3.4 this semester. I don't believe you need to be enrolled, because I know some LSU people that are in my class. You should check to make sure though.

I was told that if I am in my last semester of pre-reqs when I am applying, that I need to be enrolled at SLU. If I do not want to enroll at SLU for my last semester, then I need to wait until I am completely done with pre-reqs before I can apply. I was wondering if they would look at mid-term grades, b/c even if I'm at another school taking my last pre-reqs, it would still show up on my transcript as enrolled. I have called three times and spoken to three different people. Two told me that I need to be at SLU and one said that I didn't. I think that I read in the nursing section of the catalog that I need to be.

I'm pretty sure you need to be enrolled. Just to be safe, I would take those last classes at SLU. Their communication SUCKS. I had a lot of trouble finding out something last semester, and the department head told me two different things. They aren't the best at communication!

Yes, a 3.6 is a good GPA. I don't think you will have any problems getting in. Just double and triple check that you have ALL of the pre-reqs or will be enrolled in your final semester. They will not accept you if you don't. And chances are they won't really tell you why unless you ask 18 different people.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE SLU, but the nursing department is not good at communicating with pre-nursing students. I'm starting the accelerated program next month, so I'll have to let you know how they do with the nursing students.

Oh, and yes, they do not look at midterm grades. That is exactly why I saved Micro, AP2 and Chem 2 for my final semester!

Good luck to you:)

Specializes in NICU.

so I'll have to let you know how they do with the nursing students.

Unfortunately, they are unorganized and do everything pretty last-minute. :rolleyes: It sounds like every nursing school is like that though.

Unfortunately, they are unorganized and do everything pretty last-minute. :rolleyes: It sounds like every nursing school is like that though.

I think that every college/university is like that. I've been to a few different schools, and I have not had a great experience with any of them.


pretty irrelevant but can anyone tell me where I can find the pre-nursing or pre-req courses?

Or tell them to me please?

I would really appreciate it!

They changed some of the pre-reqs, you only need one intro. chem course instead of chem I and II!

Chem 107 is suppose to be a combination of Chem 101, 102, 103, annnnd 104 but yeah it probably will be easier. You lucky dogs :p

Chem 107 is suppose to be a combination of Chem 101, 102, 103, annnnd 104 but yeah it probably will be easier. You lucky dogs :p

Does anyone know if SELU will still accept credits from the previous chems? I'm applying for Spring 2012 and have already completed Chem 121, 122 and 123 (I was planning on doing Chem 124 in the fall). Are they doing any substitutions for those who are already pretty much done with pre-reqs?

I recently transfered from LSU so I know how difficult communication with SELU can be - if anyone can answer this and save me from the twenty phone calls it would take to get this answered I'd be ever so grateful! :)

Does anyone know if SELU will still accept credits from the previous chems? I'm applying for Spring 2012 and have already completed Chem 121, 122 and 123 (I was planning on doing Chem 124 in the fall). Are they doing any substitutions for those who are already pretty much done with pre-reqs?

I recently transfered from LSU so I know how difficult communication with SELU can be - if anyone can answer this and save me from the twenty phone calls it would take to get this answered I'd be ever so grateful! :)

I'm really not sure, because I thought you went with the catalog requirement for the year you entered the university. Meaning the students just starting this semester would be the first ones having to go along with the new requirements. OR if someone switches their major to nursing from something else. This was always my understanding, but I could be barking up the wrong tree. Try calling the nursing office and see if they can answer this question. I wouldn't think that students already enrolled in the university, already nursing majors, and already mostly through the pre-requs would not be subject to this.

Good luck!

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