Published Oct 22, 2015
34 Posts
Can you guys please tell me how I can get better at Select All that apply? Is there a book out there full of SATA questions and techniques that I can purchase to master this type of question?
I messed up another test today. I was devastated to see my prof (who seems always out to get us) had almost 15 sata questions on a 50 Question test. I obviously failed and I have never felt more depressed since I started college than today. Only because I am trying so hard but I constantly feel sabotaged. Please can anyone tell me how I can over come this huge bump in the road? I want this so bad but it is seeming impossible to attain. ( I am on my second nursing semester).
PS : Only like 20% of my class passed today's test.
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,568 Posts
Treat each possible answer of a SATA as being a true/false statement in relation to the STEM of the question. SATA is very common on the NCLEX (a recent case had 1/3rd of their NCLEX questions as being SATA).
Thank you! I understand what you're saying..I told my self this will only help me come time for the nclex. But my teacher makes these tests her self? ....her rationales are not always rational
cracklingkraken, ASN, RN
1,855 Posts
If you can find information in the textbook that contradicts her answers, I would shoot her an email or speak to her directly, giving her the page number and exact quote from the text. That way it is indisputable.
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
While i tend to usually disagree with pmabraham on most topics, he is spot on in this case.
Thank you. yes we did manage to do that on a few questions for the last exam and she fixed our grade. So we might have to just fight for some of those ambiguous questions that made no sense.
916 Posts
Instructors are now being told that they should have at least 10% of the exam questions be SATA. It stinks, but the more you do them the better you get. If your school uses elsevier you can buy an access code to online questions. It allows you to select the format of the questions, so you can do practice exams of 25-100 questions and have them all be SATA. I also agree with the first poster about looking at the STEM. Also, before you read the possible answers think through what you think are the answers and identify any that are listed. A lot of times we know more than we think and when we second guess ourselves we mess up.