Seattle University - Advanced Practice Nursing Immersion (APNI) - Summer 2024

Nursing Students NP Students


I didn't see a thread for Seattle U APNI  program - Summer 2024 so I made one! with interview invitations being sent out within the next few weeks, how is everyone doing during this wait?

Specializes in Psychiatric.

How did y'all interviews go? ?

TCJ said:

How did y'all interviews go? ?

I feel like I talked to fast ? I was so nervous, but they were nice and welcoming. But it definitely went by faster than I anticipated. What about you guys? 

I was SUPER nervous as well and I literally told them I am very nervous and to forgive me if I show my nerves haha They were very nice and engaging! I felt like the interview went by super fast, I only had 5 minutes left for questions. 

Specializes in DNP student.

I was so nervous too, but I think it went really well! 
definitely went by fast. this wait 'til march is gonna be crazyyy


Specializes in Psychiatric.

Dang, the interview invitation did mention that we only have 20 minutes. So I assumed it would go by quickly. Was it a panel interview?

I was so nervous as well and o thought it went by so fast. It seemed to go well but only time would tell .

TCJ said:

Dang, the interview invitation did mention that we only have 20 minutes. So I assumed it would go by quickly. Was it a panel interview?

Yes it was like that

Specializes in Psychiatric.

the interview was so unexpectedly hard. I went in there with high hopes LOL. that first interview question threw me for a loop? was not expecting it LOL

cju said:

the interview was so unexpectedly hard. I went in there with high hopes LOL. that first interview question threw me for a loop? was not expecting it LOL

I that happen to me too

Hi all,

Did you guys get the financial services information session invitation?


k1204 said:

Hi all,

Did you guys get the financial services information session invitation?


Yeah I got back last week . Who all going to it?

Specializes in Psychiatric.
Jaylin Jones said:

Yeah I got back last week . Who all going to it?

I'm thinking about going LOL

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone heard back with any app result?
I saw posts from 2020-2023 all had status update the Saturday after the last interview day, and I've been so nervous I can't sleep! 

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