Seattle University - Advanced Practice Nursing Immersion (APNI) - Summer 2024

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I didn't see a thread for Seattle U APNI  program - Summer 2024 so I made one! with interview invitations being sent out within the next few weeks, how is everyone doing during this wait?

Specializes in Psychiatric.
AMH24 said:

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone heard back with any app result?
I saw posts from 2020-2023 all had status update the Saturday after the last interview day, and I've been so nervous I can't sleep! 

The last interview day I seen for the psych track was the 20th. So maybe this Saturday or next Saturday there will be an update? 

I also spoke with someone who got in last year, and she said she didn't hear back until March 6th. 

Jaylin Jones said:

Yeah I got back last week . Who all going to it?

I signed up!

cju said:

The last interview day I seen for the psych track was the 20th. So maybe this Saturday or next Saturday there will be an update? 

I also spoke with someone who got in last year, and she said she didn't hear back until March 6th. 

For FNP they said beginning of March during the interview 

Specializes in Psychiatry.
cju said:

The last interview day I seen for the psych track was the 20th. So maybe this Saturday or next Saturday there will be an update? 

I also spoke with someone who got in last year, and she said she didn't hear back until March 6th. 

I thought the last day to interview for APNI to psych DNP was the 11th? 

Specializes in Psychiatric.
psych_np_to_be said:

I thought the last day to interview for APNI to psych DNP was the 11th? 

I didn't mean the 20th, I meant the 18th. I was reading another message that mentioned the 20th and unconsciously typed it LOL. But, I seen the latest being Saturday because I was debating if I should have chosen the 10th, or the week after because I had work on the 10th and didn't know if they would give me the time off. 

Has anyone heard anything yet on acceptance? I did my interview, and I thought it went well. I prepared for the general questions about the school and gave honest answers to the experience questions. They said they have until March 1 to reach decisions, and I feel like it is a bad omen that I still haven't heard anything yet. (I applied for the midwifery program, btw).

Specializes in Psychiatric.
Kristi Swisher said:

Has anyone heard anything yet on acceptance? I did my interview, and I thought it went well. I prepared for the general questions about the school and gave honest answers to the experience questions. They said they have until March 1 to reach decisions, and I feel like it is a bad omen that I still haven't heard anything yet. (I applied for the midwifery program, btw).

No, I have not heard anything. At the end of my interview they stated they had until the end of the first week of March, which I assumed meant March 8th (Psych track). If they told you by March 1st, I would not freak out until next Thursday tbh LOL. Judging off of past facebook groups, and discussions they seem to notify people at the last minute. 

Kristi Swisher said:

Has anyone heard anything yet on acceptance? I did my interview, and I thought it went well. I prepared for the general questions about the school and gave honest answers to the experience questions. They said they have until March 1 to reach decisions, and I feel like it is a bad omen that I still haven't heard anything yet. (I applied for the midwifery program, btw).

For me they said they will start reaching out beginning of March!

I applied for the psychiatric track and just found out I was waitlisted-anyone else hear back? I'm honestly devastated as this was my first choice and I'm wondering if it's a bad sign that I got rejected so early. 

futuredocpnw said:

I applied for the psychiatric track and just found out I was waitlisted-anyone else hear back? I'm honestly devastated as this was my first choice and I'm wondering if it's a bad sign that I got rejected so early. 

Don't worry!! There's still hope!! I'm rooting for you!! I haven't heard back yet but crossing fingers we all make it through! :)

Specializes in Psychiatric.
futuredocpnw said:

I applied for the psychiatric track and just found out I was waitlisted-anyone else hear back? I'm honestly devastated as this was my first choice and I'm wondering if it's a bad sign that I got rejected so early. 

I haven't heard back, psych track as well?. Waitlisted isn't necessarily a rejection. It said if you're waitlisted they have until June to make their final decision. 

Specializes in Psychiatric.
futuredocpnw said:

I applied for the psychiatric track and just found out I was waitlisted-anyone else hear back? I'm honestly devastated as this was my first choice and I'm wondering if it's a bad sign that I got rejected so early. 

How did they let you know? Was it by email ?

I found out yesterday that I didn't get in (midwifery) because my classes are too old. I took a bunch of pre-med classes but graduated with a degree in environmental sciences, so my classes from more than 5 years ago don't count. They told me to retake them and apply again. I'm pretty gutted. 

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