Seattle U - APNI 2012

Nursing Students NP Students


Anyone already applying at Seattle U? Which track? I haven't finished my pre-req's, so I am probably not too competitive this year, but I am going to apply anyway. I am applying for the nurse-midwife track and my background is Microbiology (UW).

Can you guys do friday at around 5/6pm?

Can you guys do friday at around 5/6pm?

I won't be able to make it tonight

Wasn't expecting to hear anything so soon but I got in off the wait list today for the Community/Public Health track!

Hello All,I've been reading everyone's comments for a few weeks now. Just wanted to chime in & say hello. Oh, and I'm also waitlisted for the midwifery track.

Congrats Kelsey! Join us on FB :)

Good to see an active group of students here. I tried posting long time back on WA state board and got no responses. I wanted to network with NP there. I am a student graduating this May. I want to move back to pacific northwest. I don't know where I'll get job but I am keeping my fingers crossed for western Washington, anywhere from Bellingham to Olympia or even Portland. Anyway, a big hello to incoming class of 2014.

hi FNP waitlist folks... i'm not accepting at SU so a spot is opening up on the waitlist. goodness knows how they decide, because you're all fantastic candidates and i can't wait to call you all colleagues when we're done with school! please join the FB group (calinca, are you on it??) and stay in touch because i want to meet you all when i'm in seattle visiting family over the holidays! much love, marit


Just returned from hot and dry Cabo San Lucas. What a great week!

Returned to Seattle for cold, rain, and , a few minutes ago, some late March hail storms.

I'm starting to see the appeal of travel nursing ...

I'm waitlisted on SU AGNP, accepted to SU BSN, and pending notification for BC ADN program due in April.

Bummed about the AGNP, feeling that I should have adjusted how I presented myself at the interview.

Great news to see some movement from the waitlist.

mz_marit, officially got the letter march 30th I was moved off the wait list and accepted for FNP!! Since I was fully anticipating not hearing any news it threw me off guard....I am due with my first baby only 3 weeks before school would start so my husband and I need to make sure I can swing this.....but anyways good luck on your adventures and hopefully if I accept I can live up to all you would have contributed to the program!!

Hello all!

I have been following this board for awhile now, but finally just became a member.

Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted!

I am intending to apply to Seattle U ANPI - Midwifery this coming fall. I would be very interested in chatting with anyone about their prior experiences and experiences/advice for applying. Or anyone else who will be applying in the fall of 2012, as well. (I live in the Seattle area). Let me know if anyone would be interested, I would very much appreciate it!


Hello all!I have been following this board for awhile now, but finally just became a member. Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted!I am intending to apply to Seattle U ANPI - Midwifery this coming fall. I would be very interested in chatting with anyone about their prior experiences and experiences/advice for applying. Or anyone else who will be applying in the fall of 2012, as well. (I live in the Seattle area). Let me know if anyone would be interested, I would very much appreciate it!Thanks!
Hi, readl

I was accepted into this summer's APNI CNM cohort. Feel free to ask questions :)

Wow, Leah congrats!!! What an achievement and a testament to your determination. If you don't accept the position I wonder if SU will allow you to perhaps differ a year and enter with the 2013 class? Good luck making your decision!

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