Scrubs, Scrubs. Scrubs :)

Nursing Students CNA/MA


Hi all, well I start CNA classes at the end of this month!! YEA! and I wanted to ask a question. Might sound silly but , Do you wear clothing under your scrubs? I see individuals wearing shirts but what do you wear under your pants.. Just wondering. I know stupid question but thought I'd ask.

I wear a long sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts underneath my clothes. I'm always cold plus I don't want to accidently expose myself. Some of my co-works usally have their butt cracks, thongs, and boxers exposed and it doesn't look professional at all.

When it's cold out, sometimes I have an entire outfit underneath. Scrubs are thin, but you don't have to wear clothes under it. Some wear shorts, some prefer jeans or long johns (thermals). It's your personal preference. (Who will know whats under your scrub pants anyway!) :)

... Well... When you're wearing white scrubs- *everyone* will know what's under your scrub pants if you aren't a bit clever about hiding it LOL :chuckle

I wear a long sleeve shirt and a pair of shorts underneath my clothes. I'm always cold plus I don't want to accidently expose myself. Some of my co-works usally have their butt cracks, thongs, and boxers exposed and it doesn't look professional at all.

oh my.. I will take that as "what not to wear ,while wearing scrubs" :no: LOl thank you so much for the insight. :)

Another good option for you might be something like Spanx, if you can find them in white. I mean, they don't have pockets, but theyd be form fitting and flattering, while still keeping anyone from seeing the goods.

And, honestly though I sweat a ton, I never really have an issue with smelling at work. You could always bring some deodorant and maybe some good smelling lotion with you. Trial sizes could fit in your pocket. :)

Spanx are great, but they show up under white scrubs. They don't exactly *hide* "the goods"- they just show up as underthings larger than a thong LOL Skin tone would be better under white scrubs- but even that shows up quite a bit (have tried the skin tone ones under mine- they just look like Spanx under scrubs LOL)

I'd try either skin tone or white leggings (not tights- like panty hose kind things- but leggings- which are skin tight pants meant to *be* pants) under the scrubs...

... Well... When you're wearing white scrubs- *everyone* will know what's under your scrub pants if you aren't a bit clever about hiding it LOL :chuckle

awww man. Hey at least I tried to find a way to be discreet. :) Thanks.

Specializes in LTC.

I have a pair of white scrub pants. I wear white undies with them and you can see the white pantyline... oh well! If you don't like it, don't look!

I don't think the sweating thing is a problem. If you wear something with tight armholes then the sweat gets on the clothing and you smell that... scrubs are loose.

awww man. Hey at least I tried to find a way to be discreet. :) Thanks.

Yeah, I think discreet goes right out the window when you're having to wear white scrubs. :chuckle

Yeah, I think discreet goes right out the window when you're having to wear white scrubs. :chuckle

LOL Yeah- discreet also goes out the window when you spend your day wiping people's rear ends... :chuckle Ya just develop a thicker skin for anatomy and bodily functions etc. LOL

I'd try either skin tone or white leggings (not tights- like panty hose kind things- but leggings- which are skin tight pants meant to *be* pants) under the scrubs...

oh leggings. that would be a good thing to wear. I didn't even think of that. And they breath better than panty hose spanx probably too. I'll put that on my list! thanks! :)

I love wearing a shirt under my scrub top. Usually its short sleeved but I've got some long sleeved ones. I can't stand the feeling of the material on my skin (and I've tried almost all of them, lol). Plus its great when I've got errands after work. If I had to wear white pants, I'd def wear something under them. I give 1-7 showers a day, white pants plus water equals a show lol

Specializes in Rehabilitation.

I had to wear the dreaded white scrubs to my clincals... heres my suggestion... I got the boycut undies from target in white, white bra, white tank top. you dont feel like everyone can see everything under the scrubs. i thought about the leggings or wearing a top.. but when you are running around all day you do get pretty toasty even with just scrubs. so, i do swear by the boyshorts!

oh... and i can tell you that giving showers in white scrubs isn't too fun! make sure your scrub pants are tooo long or roll them up a bit... trust me from experience, scrub pants suck up the water!

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