Published Jun 8, 2015
20 Posts
Scripps has finally opened their applications for the new grad program. Lets keep each other posted on the progress of our applications!
Best of luck everyone!
19 Posts
Hi paintmegray,
I also applied to Scripps. I am hoping the whole process goes quickly! What time did you manage to get your application in?
Hi paintmegray,I also applied to Scripps. I am hoping the whole process goes quickly! What time did you manage to get your application in?
I applied at 12:30 am
I had no idea it posted at midnight! I thought it usually goes up at 8 am. did I miss something? haha. When I woke up I noticed it was already posted so I got mine in at 7:20 am.
Silverdragon102, BSN
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I applied also at 7 am no status changes as of yet though I saw on fb some people already got an email to do background checks
50 Posts
"Hiring manager review".. Is that what everyone has for a status?
Mine still has submission received 😔
I didn't apply right away. I finished mine on the 10th. Maybe they're going in reverse order? Are you sure it was a "background check?" That's usually part of the hiring process. I got an automated email to complete the talent assessment.
Yeah a few people posted it on fb... Have you heard of any interviews yet? I'm super bummed scripps was my dream job! I hope you get an interview!
Hey Everyone,
I did get an email last week for a background check. It seems like they are doing things in a different order this time around! I have yet to hear about interviews though. Anyone get an interview yet?? keeping my fingers crossed. Good luck everybody!
4 Posts
I haven't heard back from them yet either... I'm waiting for that call!