Published Oct 8, 2007
13 Posts
Hi there!
I need some help. Ive heard from some people that they have a new rule with regards to nurses with scoliosis in the US. Is it true that they wont allow you to practice as a nurse in the hospital? Cannot find any info with regards to this.
caroladybelle, BSN, RN
5,486 Posts
I have it and I have not seen in regulations ruling us out.
I don't even think that they check that on the yearly physical.
40 Posts
Havent heard anything-can't imagine that to be true-in an interview situation you can only ask generically anyway, such as "this position requires you being able to lift or assist with 100 pounds (or moving a 200 lb patient or whatever)-do you have any restrictions that would make that not possible?"
ie-only specifically job related tasks
2 Posts
I have a severe scoliosis and have been working in long term care for the better part of thirty years. I had a lumbar spinal fusion with Harrington Instrumentation (two rods) in 1981, right after graduating with an LPN. I noticed an increase in my curvature just before that, and after having my baby in 1976. I don't do any heavy lifting, and I don't advise my aides to do anything heavy by themselves. Even with a good back, you can hurt yourself very easily. There is lifting equipment that is used, depending upon the weight and debility of the patient. Find your niche and do what you want, and what you can. I am also a runner, and have not had any serious back problems. Use proper body mechanics, and alway ask for help. audrey
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
I want a dollar for every single rumor that starts in Manila that makes absolutely no sense at all to anyone here.
There are no restrictions at all placed by the US government, it is not something that anyone can catch.
450 Posts
I want a dollar for every single rumor that starts in Manila that makes absolutely no sense at all to anyone here.There are no restrictions at all placed by the US government, it is not something that anyone can catch.
Then you could retire!!!
Exactly, but I find it quite amusing that there are so many untruths floating around Manila just about everything.
And I do not know why they get started in the first place at all, just makes no sense at all to me.