Published Jul 26, 2014
4 Posts
I'm super nervous about the Lvn program. I already went to orientation and the current class answered and shared a few experiences. Basically what stuck was study a lot and forget about your social life. I need to work 8 hours a week to have some income. My question is: did you find it difficult to work and go to school?
Also any other tips on how your experience in the Lvn/Lpn program went :)
67 Posts
I am a recent LPN grad and when I first started my program I was working 2 part time jobs working roughly 20-30 hours total a week. It worked for me up until Christmas break (4 months into my 10 month program) and I realized that I needed to cut back as much as I could and still make some money but have more time for studying. I left one job and stayed working 10 hours a week at the other. It was the best thing I could have done. Although my grades were not going lower working the 2 jobs, the stress of juggling all of the studying and working along with trying to maintain decent relationships with my loved ones was tough. 8 hours a week is perfect if that is something you can manage financially it really frees up a lot of your time to be flexible enough to study and still have some time to live somewhat of a life. I also would suggest having one day a week where you don't study and you hang out with some friends or catch up on your favorite tv shows and relax. Nursing school will be your way of life for the next year or so but when you get to the end of that very long and dark tunnel the bright light will feel so GOOD!
Good luck and congratz!
nekozuki, LPN
356 Posts
If anything, I would suggest holding off work during your first month of the program to see how you adjust to the new schedule, rapid pace and test format. You may discover that the program is suited to your learning style and end up working more than eight hours. Or, you may discover that taking out a small loan or relying on family members may be necessary because you need the extra time.
I think for most students, an eight hour workweek is completely plausible. I worked two jobs during my LPN program, and as the months of clinicals and classroom time wore on, I was desperate to see my non-nursing coworkers (if only for a brief glimmer of normalcy).
Good luck in your program!
59 Posts
If you want it bad enough, its doable. I worked two fulltime jobs and was enrolled in a fast track LPN program, while being a single mom of a little boy. It was difficult, but deff a small sacrafice for a life long of success. I studied at night, or when my son was at school, my own thing was I wouldn't sacrafice time with my son to do school work. I used alot of youtube to study with, and did NCLEX NCLEX NCLEX questions. Otherwise do your vocab, read your book and actually try! Nursing school is hard, but I truely believe if you want it hard enough you will be successful. You will run into set backs, but you will have to prioritize school to be successful. The night before finals my son was admitted into the hospital. I studied all night in his room, told the staff I had to leave ( they understood completely as nurses themselves) and came back a few hours later. Where theres a will..theres a way. Be confident you got this! I am starting my lpn job next week :)
105 Posts
I worked Friday and Saturday overnight shifts through school.
2 Posts
Hello, congratulations on your recent admission to the Lpn program. I graduated from the Lpn program 4 years ago and from the Rn program 4 months ago. I worked a full time job for an ambulance company 40 hours a week and went to school mon thru Thursday from 7:15 am to 330pm, I worked every weekend for an entire year and several days a week after school, yes it was difficult but I graduated school w an Lpn job for a hospice company which I still have now as a Rn, yes your social life is lost and if your relationship is not strong enough it probably won't survive it either ,but the sacrifice is worth it, I had two failed relationships during school but found my soulmate after school. :-) what I am saying is , yes it is hard, requires a lot of sacrifice but the outcome def is worth the sacrifices. Nursing is a wonderful career full of opportunities, but nothing will come to you if you don't fight for it. I am now enrolled in the BSN program and I am not planning in slowing down anytime soon, go out there and finish school and be the best nurse you can be :-) and you have any questions during the program don't hesitate to come back here and wave your hand .
shan409, ASN, BSN, LPN, RN
340 Posts
You can do anything! I start my program Sept. 3rd! I will be working 32 hours weekly (using 8 hours of vacation time every week to keep my benefit status). I have been employed for 6+ years at the hospital I currently work at so I am looking to keep my status here at long as possible. I may even stay employed contingent (one day a pay period) as a pharmacy technician or find another position, as they do not hire LPNs. So until I bridge to RN, that is what I plan to do.
54 Posts
Today, I signed my papers that I will become a per diem employee. Therefore, I will be working Saturdays and Sundays as well as on holidays.