Published Dec 15, 2014
13 Posts
I am currently a part time college student completing my pre-reqs and a CNA working at a nursing home. For next month, I will be starting the Spring Semester taking BIO 201 and Nutrition online. For the BIO 201 class I am registered for a Monday/Wednesday Evening class but am on the waitlist for a Tuesday/Thursday Evening class, if a spot opens in this class I will register for this one but I wont know until January (classes start, if a spot will open). Schedule changes are due at my job though, for the whole month of January, my staffing director recommended Friday evening shift, Sat and Sunday day and eve doubles since I am so unsure of my schedule. Should I take this schedule or just keep my Monday/Wednesday class.. I am unsure what to do..
vintagemother, BSN, CNA, LVN, RN
2,717 Posts
If it were me, I'd take the weekend fri-sun schedule. Calling off or requesting a schedule change after the schedule is set up could cause you a lot of problems with work.
184 Posts
Is there a particular reason that you would prefer the Tuesday/Thursday class? If not, I'd just stick with the Monday/Wednesday class and plan your work schedule around that. If you have a big reason for switching the class section to the other days, I'd go with your supervisor's recommendation to allow for either scenario. It's not fair to them if you change your availability after the schedule has already been designed and handed out.
mindofmidwifery, ADN
1,419 Posts
You should go with the weekend scheduling, that option would offer the most flexibility.
1 Article; 676 Posts
Regardless of what you do, if you have time, talk to a nursing student about the syllabus, the reading schedule etc, and start befor the class so you can span your time out more easily with school and work. That is what i am doing, because i decided to drop and return fall '15. I know what is expected of me, so i will be way ahead of my class versus my first try. Best wishes to you!