Published May 22, 2015
194 Posts
Hi all, I'm kind of an "old" nurse. I would love to apply for a clinical ladder designation at my institution, however, one of the requirements is a scholarly activity. Can anyone help me out with this and give me some examples of what is required. I am too embarrassed to ask at my work place and I feel very old and stupid!!!
Spinmass, ADN, BSN, RN, EMT-B
96 Posts
Well if it's any consolation, I'm still rather young (maybe middle aged) and would like to know the answer as well.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,975 Posts
What each facility defines as "scholarly activities" may differ. Is there more information available on your facility's intranet that you can find? Other than that, you may just have to suck it up and ask. If this is the first time you're applying for it, there's no reason to be embarrassed about asking, and you probably aren't the only one. You can also try asking those you have a good rapport with who have already successfully applied for not only that info but also tips. I work with a few surgical techs who just applied for ladder for the first time- the direct manager was a great resource for helping them with questions as he sits on the review panel that decides who met the requirements.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Hey- I'm old too. And I'd ask! But I think a journal club might be something like what they want.