Published Jan 30, 2018
4 Posts
I will be applying to the nursing program this Fall 2018. Is there anyone who was accepted the last two semesters? If so, what was your prerequisite GPA and what campus did you apply/get accepted to?
If you are applying this same semester what is your GPA and have you completed all nine of the prerequisite courses?
I am trying to determine my chances on getting into this program feel free to leave any advice and comments :)
36 Posts
I am applying in just a few weeks for the basic nursing program.
Currently, my prerequisite GPA is 4.0.
My GenEd classes combined with my prerequisites is sitting at a 3.8. But, the semester isn't over just yet and it could possibly swing lower. (I hope not!)
I will have all 9 classes finished by the end of this semester.
How about yourself?
Hello there! I have all 9 classes as well, my prereq is about a 3.7 while my gened classes combined is a 3.8. I am wondering if that is good enough but I am very worried it won't be since the teas requirement has gone away and there may be more applicants! Are you applying to both campuses?
A 3.7 gpa in prerequisites is definitely competitive!!
i do think that there will be an influx in applicants because of them dropping the TEAS requirement, in addition to there normally being higher applicant numbers for the fall semester, but you have a strong GPA.
i know it is beyond stressful, but i think that the main people that need to be concerned for this upcoming semester are those with multiple B's in the prerequisites.
but....i obviously and honestly don't know for sure. All i know is that May 25th can't come soon enough! Do you know if they announce what the average GPA ended up being during a particular application period? I know some schools say "the highest, average, and lowest GPA accepted for fall term was such and such."
i will only be applying to the Bradenton campus!
1 Post
I applied on April 3rd and I have my A.A. as well as all of my prerequisites done. I don't think my GPA is very competitive. I have a 3.0 overall with a 3.3 prerequisite GPA. But I have a friend who was accepted with a 3.0 GPA for Fall 2017 and the nursing advisor told me that the GPA statistics is based on the pool of applicants that apply each semester. I applied to the Bradenton campus
20 Posts
I applied for the fall program at Bradenton, awaiting the acceptance email is definitely nerve wrecking! I finished all required pre-reqs and gen ed classes, my pre-req GPA is 3.8 and gen ed is 4.0. I'm praying my grades are good enough to get in. Who else is waiting for their acceptance email for fall of 2018? I'm a nervous wreck and 5/25 can't get here any sooner!
Well, I just wrapped up finals.
My prerequisite GPA is 4.0; combined with GenEds is a 3.8.
I got a B in 1102 and psych in 2013 but the other 7 classes I have A's.
I'll be applying on Monday! So anxious!!!!
43 Posts
I applied to both campuses with 7/9 gen ed courses complete. I have a 3.4 overall and 3.25 in the prerequisites. It's not very competitive, and I'm pretty worried. I feel like everyone I've talked to has a 3.7 or higher.
8 Posts
Hi! My name is Daysha. I just submitted my application for the nursing program. I have a 4.0 nursing GPA and 3.8 overall GPA. I hope that is good enough to get in.
6 Posts
Hi guys! I applied for Fall 2018. I have a 4.0 in prereqs but about a 3.3 for the Gen Eds. I took AP English and totally regret it, because while I get credit for completing the course, it doesn't affect my GPA. Bummer! We'll see, should be an interesting first year without TEAS requirement. Fingers crossed for all of you!
What math class does everyone have?
I took Liberal Arts