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I love this site; however, the more I read the more scared I become about starting Nursing School this Fall. I have read so many posts about being 6 weeks or a week away from graduation and then being booted from the program, not doing well in clinical and again getting the boot, messing up with med passes and getting the boot. etc. It seems like every time I turn around someone is getting kicked out of school and this terrifies me.

It probably wouldn't be a big deal if I was right out of high school, lived with my parents and could keep on living off of them if I failed school. However, I am a 36 year old married, mother of two and I am quitting my job of 8 yrs to go to nursing school. I feel that I am putting a lot on the line to go to school and if I make it through it will be worth it but what if I don't make it. It seems like there are a lot of things you only get one chance at, maybe two.

Anyway, I am just terrified. Thanks for reading and letting me vent a little.


I'm kinda the opposite....yes I'm scared of starting nursing in the fall. But after finding this site and reading posts, I'm extremely excited to start! I've busted my butt the last 2 semesters on A&Ps and some other classes....I'm severely excited to be done with A&P and move on to nursing. I know nursing will be 10 times harder then A&P but I really think it prepared me to have not much of a life and to read constantly and never stop. So I'm ready! I'm sure you'll be is overwhelming because it's the fear of the unknown, but just take it one day at a time. Good luck!

Specializes in ER, ICU, Education.

Panic is contagious, and one of the best things you can do to help yourself succeed is to avoid those who "catastrophize" everything. As Idaho Murse2b mentioned, most feedback that you will hear from people on each end of the extremes (for example, when reading my instructor evaluations, I tend to hear the most from those who are most happy and most unhappy!)

Be proactive. As you begin school, if you notice you are having any difficulty, immediately approach your professor to discuss any issues you are having (ex-testing, studying) and offer potential solutions. There is nothing better than someone who takes the initiative.

Being a non-traditional student will bring diversity to your class as well as life experience. Good luck.

you know i understand you a lot

Specializes in Substance abuse, hospice.

If you study hard, it will be easy.

Im nervous too, even more so since 9 of the required 12 books showed up at my door yesterday !!!!!!!

I also have left my job full time and will only work 12 hrs a week, so failing is scary since I will have to find another full time job.

Im also older, 40 with 3 kids and no husband. I do have a wondefully supportive boyfriend of 3 years who is routing me on every day.

I did get some great advise from a cousin of my boyfriends who is an RN.

I was rambling about my feelings and nervounsness, I dont even think I was taking a breathe as I talked about

" well, if I fail I will get another job, thats my back up plan, and then my 2nd plan and so on"

(I used to work in Business and I was used to having backup after plan and plans for backup plans)

She stopped me in my tracks and said

" there is no back up plan, you have to look at it that way, there is NO back up plan, graduation is the only plan !"

WOW... I said But But But ????????

She Said again..." There is no other plan, graduation is it, with back up plans it too easy to quit when it gets tough, so SCHOOL is the ONLY plan !"

And I thought, WOW, that knocks the whining right outta ya.

I didnt mean to imply that the OP was whining, just that I am having the same thoughts as the OP, my BF's cousin made alot of sense to me and her advise has eleveated alot of my fears, Im still nervous, but not petrified.

Good Luck

Specializes in I'm thinking ER or ICU someday.

I just want to say that I'm starting my 4 year BSN program this September and I'm just as scared as you are. I'm 18 years old, right out of high school, don't have children, but I'm afraid I won't make it through either. I really admire anyone that is a mother and a nursing student at the same time. I think you have a lot of courage and if nursing is your dream then don't let anything stop you. I've really used this site for support and got tips from people who've been through school already so, I'm feeling a bit better about starting this fall. I just keep telling myself that if I want it, I can have it. Keep your head up, you arn't alone. :nuke:

Well I can tell you this a phenomenon of almost all forums is like the news. Most of the time all they report is the negative and hardly any positive.quote]

How very true this is.

I am about to start semester 2 of my first year of a 3year bachelor nursing degree. I won't kid you, its hard work, but if your able to manage your time well, and keep ahead of things, you'll do fine, and I bet you even might enjoy school. My friends call me a nerd, but I can't wait to get back to uni, the holidays have been sooo long.

Good luck,

:-) Zoe

Specializes in CVICU/ER.

Don't be scared or intimidated. I am a 36 year old dude who quit a job making 75k a year, with a wife and a 3 year old counting on me...who has 2 semesters left of nursing school. Sure there is a lot riding on it and sure I do feel some pressure, but I know what I have to do so I am doing it. You all will too. You are mature, know how the real world works and know that sadly, politics rules the world. Your life experience believe it or not, will help you in the program whether it be dealing with people, or handling yourself.

Like the previous poster said, life is not guaranteed. I would rather meet life on my terms and make my life and my families life better by taking the risk. I know I have 2 semesters left and I will do it, just as all of you will. Good luck and I know you all will make it.

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