Saturday July 20th 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Tweety we had some computer issues yesterday morning too

Ado yep we will be going there Sunday

NJ22 I hope they find nothing else on her MRI and PET

Stars it must be difficult dealing with someone going into end stage dementia, I can see how you would want to be be free of the demands of being a caregiver

Work overall was pretty good, bit stressful in the morning with the computer issues, but got easier once those were sorted out.  The afternoon started quiet, even started doing some laundry and work ahead to make it easier on the people covering for me.  Then got a new case.  Decided not to leave it for the people covering for me, and got most of the work done. Ended up leaving a bit late as there was a call I had forgotten to make

Rest of the day was fine, stopped by the bank and exercised

Cat has been getting worse with the vomiting again, three times yesterday and once this morning.  Decided it might be my attempts to transition her to a new cat food that is supposed to help prevent hairballs that may be exacerbating things.  So gave her some of the old food with none of the new mixed in and she seems fine.  Hopefully this will solve this issue

Today going to head to the Arboretum in the morning.  In the evening I'm hosting an even for the over 50 group at The Cheesecake Factory.  Other than that nothing really planned, as almost all of the packing is done

Svengoolie has the original Dracula on, not sure if I'll get back in time to watch it

Will be another nice day in the low 80s

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

I woke up at 10 AM and decided to feed Momo and take my meds. Then I lay back down and went sound asleep and didn't wake up until the phone rang at 1 PM, It was SiL telling me that BiL was on his way over here to mow the lawn before it rains again.

I got dressed and came downstairs to get Nannie up and dressed and breakfasted. BiL is now outside mowing, and Nannie asked 4 times when we were in her bathroom...."Listen! What's that noise?" and four times I told her what it was. Then out in the den and her recliner, it was WHO is out in the back yard, "It's your son, mowing the lawn." ----"Who?" ----- "Your son!" ----"Oh.I didn't know I had a son." 🙄  Mental effects of the memory-robbing dementia are more pronounced by the week, but it also continues so slowly, that I wonder where her time-line is, for finally running down. I am not being a ghoul, though it sounds like I am hovering over her like a vulture. 

She still talks about her shoes so OFTEN, and it really is tedious, though sometimes it is just plain SMH funny how those shoes seguey into almost every conversation regardless of the subject. Did you know that her son also put the cast on her left wrist? And he mowed all the edges of the yard, straight up the side of the building and also up the trees to about roof height,  And OMG, she flirts with her son something wicked, always telling him what pretty legs he has, and saying he is co cute. 😑 

Now I am hoping she is going to doze off 😴 , because I have some tasks to do in MY room, as there is more stuff to sort, put away, and pitch out.  It will make me happy if she can't keep her eyes open for too much longer, so I am being quiet here on my laptop for the time being. Shhhhhhh!


Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.


We have had a quiet day.  We got video but no audio on the Zoom Sabbath School, so had to forego watching.  We don't read lips well... 😉 Too bad, it was someone who has not taught there before (there is a different teacher for each week's lesson), and we wanted to catch his inaugural lesson!  Oh well...

We watched two episodes of The Chosen (starting from the beginning again; we just watched when Matthew is invited to join the group).  Though we have watched it numerous times, it is still amazingly powerful in its presentation of events.  A tribute to the many teams involved in its development.

It is 104 degrees out.  Need I say, we are staying indoors?  🙂

Joe, so sorry the cat has begun vomiting again.  You are right, it could be the new food.  I hope, with the dietary changes, the vomiting subsides.  Enjoy your Cheesecake Factory get-together!

No Stars, I hope Nannie dropped off to sleep so you could continue going through things.  How was the new bed, to sleep in/on?  So glad BiL was able to mow the lawn AND the sides of the house, AND the trees.  He is one talented person, right there!

Have a good evening!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good evening!

Joe hope you have a good time away from work.  Nice of you to consider your coworkers. 

 Worked today.  Busy but I've had worse days.  Two admissions at shift change.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Good evening from your friendly night owl! Did a bit of a double take when I saw the title and that it was started today. Did my late night shenanigans send me back in time?

Fell asleep in the recliner the other night so never got to my midnight gardening until tonight. Worked out well since it's almost full moon so I had some extra light to work by. I think I may have confused some of the late night dog walkers- walking their big fluffy white dog by flashlight and must have heard me because next thing I know they're shining the flashlight my way to see what's going on. 

Have I mentioned I very much look forward to fall? No more crazy hot temps, much less gardening, and the perfect weather to sit outside and enjoy the sounds of the night?

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