Saturday May 11th 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Stars that was nice of that kid

Tweety glad she is currently stable, dialysis at this stage in life would indeed not be advisable

Was a bit annoyed yesterday when I got a new case on my half day.  But still managed to get that and everything else done on time

Made the dish for the potluck, dates with almond butter and dark chocolate, then went to get the fingerprints for the NC license.  Which took a while, lots of forms to fill out and it was a manual fingerprint so the process was slow.  Then off to the post office to mail it off

The potluck was a quieter affair than the last one, a larger house and fewer people.  Met some new people there as well as some old ones

Today going to be doing some bird watching with some people from church, it's an event sponsored by a local business, Wild Birds Unlimited.  The store owners are really good at pointing out and identifying birds

Rest of the day should be pretty ordinary.  Lunch with dad as usual.  Svengoolie has House of Frankenstein, which I'll skip as I've seen it many times before.  Going to watch an opera instead

Going to be another cooler day in the upper 60s

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I would have loved to be an NP but having to support the family made it nearly impossible, and at this stage in life I guess I'll give up the idea. 

Every now and then I do miss patient care. Like this week when I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall and getting nowhere. 

We looked to see if we could see the aurora last night but the sky just had a pink/red tint. We saw the aurora once in Michigan and once in Indiana. I have friends who were in Iowa last night and posted nice pictures. 

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

SiL came by at 11 AM and got Nannie out of bed, gave her a shower, got her dressed and  out to the recliner. I was VERY glad, as I had just gotten up myself and all my joints were aching like nobody's business! It took about an hour and a half for all my AM meds to kick in, but they did help after a while.

SiL put a sleeveless jersey on Nannie, with a 3/4 sleeves jacket. MAH GAWD, It is warm outside, but it never is warm enough down here in the den for Nannie! Nannie fussed and fussed and fussed....not verbally, but constantly looking at her arms/wrists and trying to pull the arms of the jacket down. I explained to her 4 or 5 times why her wrists were 'hanging out', and offered to get her a different jersey WITH sleeves, and then a jacket with LONG sleeves.....she kept saying no, it was okay, but it really drove me cra-cra-CRAZY when she would not quit trying to "fix' it. I just got another jacket from her room and had her sit forward so I could change the dern thing! Whew!

And THEN she asked, "Do they ever serve meals around here?" I told her that THEY don't, but *I* would be glad to make her some supper... Easiest thing was scrambled eggs, sausage and toast. Well, then she 'had to' have dessert, so she got a little cup of chocolate pudding and a "Fudge Round" (Little Debbie's cake) And now she is wiping off her mouth with her shoulder wrap. instead of the paper towel I gave her. OY! 

And once again she is back at her sleeves, because though the jacket I put on her does have long sleeves, they don't 'hug' her wrists. I had her place both hands on her belly, and made her shoulder wrap cover her arms. But, NOW she has to SHOW me the sleeves and the arms I just had covered up, like I wasn't the one who'd just put the 'new' jacket on her. I told her to quit moving her arms around and keep them and her hands UNDER the cover of the shoulder-wrap. 

Also she is saying that "all those people in the woods" were moving around a lot and she doesn't know what they are doing or planning on doing.  Jumping Jehosaphat's! Say "hello!" and wave to Nannie's hallucinations!

I gotta go take MY laundry out of the dryer now. I'v already got hers dried and folded and put away. Laundry and dishes. I washed the dishes in the sink this morning, but after just 2 meals, now I have to wash her 3 juice glasses, two forks and 3 teaspoons, plus the frying pan and spatula. 🙄🤔 "They" sure made a mess up there in the kitchen!

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

Sitting here at T Mobile Park waiting for the ballgame to start. Go Mariners. 

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Watching all the fuss-budgets on "House Hunters". There was one couple that had been looking for a house in ONE town for TEN YEARS! They couldn't agree on ANYTHING. Wonder how many realtors they wore out before they FINALLY agreed on a house to buy. If I was either one of the people in that couple, I would have gotten a divorce after the first 3-4 years, but disagreeing about houses and still going forward for ten years? He!! NO!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Ado, I took a job away from the bedside about 15 years ago and lasted six months before taking a payout to go back.  Luckily stayed at the same facility.  I'm still not ready to leave the bedside.

Week Six of overtime complete.  Working Sunday and then taking a couple of days off to see my parents in North Carolina.  It's been a grind, but not bad for an old guy.


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