Saturday June 1st 2024


Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

Stars I don't think forgetting an appointment time is a big deal, although I agree that an extended period of respite care would be very helpful

Tweety glad you have a 4 day weekend

Work was not too bad yesterday, although I had quite a few more calls and emails than expected.  Rest of the day was quiet, exercised and made a margarita for the first time in a long time, turned out pretty good

Got an estimate for repairing the paint damage on the bumper and the scratch on the hood.  Was hoping it would be less than a grand but I was wrong.  Looking to get an estimate from another place before proceeding.  Car will need to be in the shop 2-3 days so would have to work around that

Today I'll be leaving early, have volunteered with the gay group to make donuts as part of a farmers market fundraiser.  Think I'll just be packing and putting toppings on the donuts, which will be easier than making them, which involves a lot of hot grease.

Rest of the day will be fairly ordinary.  Will have lunch with dad and do some grocery shopping. Will skip Svengoolie as he has The Tingler which I've found dull

Will be cooler today, in the upper 60s, and rainy most of the day

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good morning.

Anything to do with a car these days I'm finding is extremely expensive.

Got up to feed the dogs when Waffles woke me up but then went back to sleep for a couple of hours.  Feel rested for a change.  Hope to make it to hot yoga.

Can't believe it's already June.  Happy Pride Month!

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.


Kind of had a rude shock this noontime......after SiL got Nannie up and fed, she came up the stairs to tell me that Nannie was all done and sitting in the recliner, so SiL left after she did the Nannie Morning routine, and did not take Nannie with her to her house. So I don't have the afternoon off like I thought I did. But at least Nannie is up and fed. Now I will get to see what condition her bed is in; Nannie always makes up her bed, and it "hides the evidence" if the sheets are wet. If it needs changing, this will be the third day in a row I'll have to do more of her bed linens in the clothes from yesterday, pj's, towels used for her shower. 

Ooohhhhh well. 😒  DANG!  😫 As my mother would say: "Rats, cats, hags and bags!"

I can always hope Nannie is in her napping mode, so that at least she will be quiet for a while. Guess I'll get dressed; I had been planning to relax in bed a while longer, and then tackle something up here in my room, but now I find I have to have a Plan B, whatever that will be.

Now I have an entire week of Nannie by myself except for Newbie on Thursday; and I have a doc's appt that afternoon. Whoopy.

I have to try not being such a Crabby Appleton! But with nothing changing all that much, as I had hoped it might....well....Humph! 


Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.

Oh Hap-Peeeee Daze:

"Plan B" is two large loads of Nannie-laundry, and a small load of my laundry. Yes, her bed was wet all the way down to the chux under the fitted sheet. At least the mattress didn't get soaked!

Nannie is sleeping and talking in her sleep. I have the dishes soaking in hot soapy water. Aaaaannnnd I emptied all the wastebaskets and located Nannie's used and discarded pull-ups/pads wadded up and peeking out from half-way under her bed. SiL said when she got her up, Nannie had on a jacket and her socks, and nothing else. Also had, at some point during the night or early morning hours, put on several pairs of pants (minus any absorbent products), each of which she took off after she wet them.

Nothing else to say~

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Yes, cars and everything to do with them are expensive. 

Shopped for a top for Gma to wear to the funeral. While I was at it, I bought 2 pairs of shoes for me. Hubs thinks I have too many shoes but he's not the one trying to figure out what I'm going to wear all the time. 😂

I bought 3 tomato plants and 2 okra plants and I'm going to get those planted this evening. We did not prepare well for gardening this year. 

I brought home fried chicken from Raisin' Cane's. 

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

Nice day today, temp around 75, with a nice breeze.   We drove up to Oak Glen and walked in the Wildlands Conservancy area.  Then we stopped by oldest ds's place, to look at his new e-bike and just to chat with him.  It was a nice afternoon.

Have a good evening!

Specializes in Public Health, TB.

🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month! 

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