SARS in Toronto!

Nurses General Nursing


Hey I just saw on the news that a thousand people have been quarentined at a hospital in Toronto!

Do you all know anything about this?

I hope our Toronto members are alright.

Is this virus realy something to be worried about or is it kind of being hyped like the shark attack thing?


Staying out of the fray here - and I'm just a lowly, barely-first-year nursing student...but....

Of the seven deaths in Ontario, ALL SEVEN had severe, chronic, underlying medical conditions. These folks weren't in the best of shape to begin with. Most were elderly - as in over 70, one was 57 (with health problems) and one was 44 (the son of the original, first victim in Canada - he had prolonged exposure to her before they knew what it was, and he had type 2 diabetes and hypertension).

According to the Toronto Star (wish I could post a link - don't know how) the recovery rate is 95-98%. Only 25% of victims show symptoms of pneumonia - for the rest, it's headaches, fever, general malaise.

A good friend of mine and fellow nursing student is currently on the 9th day of quarantine since she worked at Scarborough Grace Hospital (the location of the first victim, and where many - if not all - Ontario cases have emanated from). She worked on the same floor as the first SARS patients. She is not sick, as of yet, and her quarantine ends tomorrow.

With a recovery rate of 95%, I can't really see the comparison to the AIDS epidemic. Scary as all get out, and no, if I had an illness that affected my immune system, I wouldn't work with victims.

But the media feeding frenzy and misinformation is astounding!!!

The Toronto Star also reported that Scarborough Grace is offering triple pay and 10 days quarantine full-time pay to nurses willing to work there right now. I'm not sure if that's true - but - I'd be there. I'm young, healthy, a good immune system.

I am fully aware that when I decided to become a nurse, in a way, I put my life on the line. Just as police officers, firefighters etc. do. That does NOT mean I would take unreasonable precautions. But heck, somebody's gotta do it :D

My opinion, for what it's worth!!!

agree with you for the most part

I think whoever was comparing this to the AIDS epidemic was trying to compare the two wtih respect to misinformation and healthcare provider fear

and yes the people who have died from SARS for the most part have had other health ailments, however, many of the people sick with SARS are healthy and healthcare workers to boot...

I dont think one can be too cautious

we still need to live our lives but we shouldnt ignore the issue either.

I would be less concerned if my immune system was 100% but I would still worry about the fact that there are still new cases coming up, and sadly , still people dying.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Wendy darling you have a brilliant handle on it......follow your VERY ASTUTE common sense and ignore the hysteria both there and HERE at this very site. I am frankly disgusted by some of what I see here. That these are also nurses saying some of these things is eye-opening. MY thoughts and prayers are with you, Wendy and the people of Ontario......scary situation. But you will get past it and prevail. Hang tight.

Originally posted by SmilingBluEyes

Wendy darling you have a brilliant handle on it......follow your VERY ASTUTE common sense and ignore the hysteria both there and HERE at this very site. I am frankly disgusted by some of what I see here. That these are also nurses saying some of these things is eye-opening. MY thoughts and prayers are with you, Wendy and the people of Ontario......scary situation. But you will get past it and prevail. Hang tight.

That is well put together. It is a scary situation. I try not to worry too much. I try to follow the precautions and hopefully everyone else will.

I'm also starting to develop a cold. Haven't reported it. Its definitely not SARS.


Worthy, the stats that I heard regarding the severity of SARS: 4% are proving fatal. I think the problem here is due to the fact that SARS is new and we don't yet have the true identity of it. Once this is done and the health system can prove that this can and will be controlled, then people on the whole will feel better.

I agree with the point regarding the media. As I mentioned earlier there was a remark made by media overseas comparing this to the AIDS epidemic when it first hit. However, not all media sources are false.

Also, the point you (Worthy) read about the nurses being offered triple time, that is correct. I read on the ONA website that this is what was being done. I also believe it is not just to the nurses at the Grace but those in general working with SARS clients. I too was on placement at the Scarborough Grace and have just completed my 10days, going out of my mind, isolation!!!

Let's all just hope that this is controlled quickly and we can get back to normal as soon as possible.

Oh by the way worthy, does your friend know what is going to happen in relation to her clinical time. We have been informed that we will probably have to do 4 weeks over the summer to make up for the lost time. Take care all


Health Canada has a SARS site with case definitions and stats.

The case definitions and related recommendations are subject to revision as further epidemiological/ laboratory information becomes available.

I work in a hospital east of Toronto, each day our recommendations have changed. I think our powers that be are on top of the situation.

However the grape vine from physicians / nurses sheds different views of the picture. Like a puzzle you cannot see the true picture until all the pieces are in place. It looks like we have to ride it out. Information is still fragmented and presenting daily.

I think nurses know infections better than anyone else in the system we know how to work with it.

My big concern is the shortage of nurses. I want to do my job well and not be worn out by tasks such as portering, moving beds, the heavy Joe jobs that other people can do. So far we are getting lots of support. Our EkG tech helped on our unit. Others have kept a distance as dictated by the recommondations.

Time will tell. I am concerned as well. I plan to work and do my best. Thanks

Shortage of nurses? Whos fault is that? Why don't they hire enough to handle the workload?

I am asking the same question. Why not ask the part time, casual staff to work full time during the crisis so the full timers do not get sick or injure themselves. We have been working one or two staff short these last few days. Wearing the isolation gear is hot and some nurses are measuring their oxygen Sats in the high 80's low 90's. The staff who can get off the units like the housekeepers and support staff can go out side for fresh air. We are too busy to get our breaks. Recommendations are ideal when it comes to following the mask N95 protocol. Headaches, irritability, confusion are the end of the shift symptoms on a regular basis now they are worse with the masks.

I think money has something to do with the nursing shortages.

I would hate to think it is anything else.

I have heard through a couple of people who are casual that they don't want to work if they can help it. This business has people scared and those who feel they don't have to work, won't. It is a shame as i do think this is a time when nurses need to pull together and support each other. However, there are many different views and feelings. I take my hat off to all the nurses who are working extra hard during this time. Oh and I don't know if it is just being scared that people don't want to work, I think it is also due to the extra hassle regarding the protocol etc...

good morning to all. things seem to be getting better but i won't hold my breath. wendy i hope you are still well. to all those working extra hard during this stressful time my hats go off to you. i wish i could be working and there by help in some small way. keep up the good work.

just one more day ( nurse's diary)

airline alerts flyers to virus danger

oz isolates to family

sars teror eases

daring martin chows down

masks sent to embassy workers

disease hits close to home

chinese apoligize

glimmer of hope in sars cases in canada

Because of my respiratory problems I had a lot of problems wearing isolation gear for even short periods of time. I would not be able to do what these people are doing, wearing heavy mask all day. It is not unusal for my pulse ox to run low 90 high 80 on normal day. If a person who runs near 100 has a drop to 90 after wearing mask for long time I would be in big trouble.

well I've had a SARS scare close to home

specifically with myself... went home from work wednesday morning, felt symptoms of a head cold, went right into my chest thursday, fever, cough SOB etc.... called Occ health at work and they said "STAY HOME" absoultely , and see how you feel, (they didnt think it was SARS since I've had not direct contact with SARS patients yet) however, symptoms worsened and around 6am this morning I had an asthma exacerbation, was taken to the ER, treated and released. However the attending MD was very serious *in a nice comical way, which I needed* that I absoultely should not be working with SARS patients and that I am at risk because of my immune status

wrote me a letter to that effect,except now , I'm stuck at home for three days , yeah I know sounds silly to be upset by that , but I really dont like to miss work ,and I dont want it to seem like I'm not coming in because of SARS, that just isnt the case, I would gladly come in to work and work with SARS patients if I was able to, this viral bug I've got goin on just adds insult to injury. I'll be working on an acute med floor like my home unit when I go back, which is fine, I just hope this whole situation ends, soon!

thinking of everyone dealing with this

respecting nurses everywhere for the fact that we all put ourselves in harms way on a daily basis

and hoping we all stay healthy


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