Samuel Merritt BSN Spring 2015

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello! My name is Jenny and I applied for the Spring semester at SMU in Oakland. Wanted to start a forum for us all waiting to hear back, which should be within the next couple weeks! How many times have you all applied? Are you applying to other places? Good luck in the process!!!

Crossing my fingers for you Jenny!!!! I would love to see you at orientation!!!

Hopefully they spaced them out and will send more tomorrow??? Gahhhh idk! Thank you!!! I hope to see you too!!!

Congrats Alli! I haven't heard anything yet either, but hopefully today will be the day Jenny.

I pray today is the day for us too!!! So far nothing! :(

Hi everyone!

My name is Sheba and I applied as well for Spring 2015. I just emailed someone there and she said that they are in the process of sending out notifications and we should receive an email within the next week.

THANK YOU SHEBA!!!! This gives me hope again!! Good luck to you!!! Hopefully we all get good news soon!!!

No problem Jenny!! I really hope so too :)

Nothing yet this morning! :( anything from you guys???

Nope! Nothing for me either :(

Congrats Alli! How are you going about finding housing??

Anyone have any updates? Nothing for me yet

Nope I got nothin! So frustrating!!!

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