Samuel Merritt ABSN - San Mateo June 09

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Samuel Merritt ABSN - San Mateo June 09

To all perspective SMC ABSN San Mateo Summer 09 students:

As the Nov 01 application deadline approaches, we should be at least finishing up with our application; some of us may have already mailed it out. Congratulations on taking an important step toward a successful nursing career!

I'm going to mail out my application this week. Currently taking English 1B and patho, I'll take speech and sociology next quarter. Life is not as hectic as when I was taking A&P and chem classes; attending both lecture and lab is so time-consuming. Now I can go zumba-ing 3-4 times a week at Clubone in San Jose. Life as a pre-nursing student is still good, even though I'm not contributing to my 401k.

Please use this thread to get to know each other, to prepare ourselves for the rigorous ABSN program, and to help each other succeed. Why? Because it's in giving that we're receiving!

Hey late bloomer,

Yes, I mailed my application to Samuel Merritt too, although, I had San Mateo as my first choice (closer to home), SF as my 2nd choice, and Oakland as my third. I spoke to an advisor in San Mateo, and she told me that I could apply even though I haven't taken the NET but to simply state it on the application that I am scheduled to take it this month. So, we'll see. I'm taking Statistics and Pharmacology this quarter and will be taking Pathophysiology through UCLA extension this coming winter quarter. I'm cutting it pretty close, but hey, the advisor I spoke to said I should apply. Keep us updated on how things are going! Anyone else apply to Samuel Merrit by the November 1, 2008 deadline? And which location did you apply to and have you completed all of the prerequisites before applying? Just wanting to know what the perspectives are.

Hey ladies,

I have sent my app packet a while ago and have not heard anything. My picks are San Mateo and then, Oakland. Don't think I'd enjoy driving to SF everyday. From what I heard, SM campus isn't too competitive unlike the CCs around here. So let's hope.

Currently taking patho, pharm and history online. I am taking it so much easier, too, compared to the A&P, Microbio era:D I just need to find a job...

Will keep you posted if I hear anything from them.

Hey late bloomer,

Yes, I mailed my application to Samuel Merritt too, although, I had San Mateo as my first choice (closer to home), SF as my 2nd choice, and Oakland as my third. I spoke to an advisor in San Mateo, and she told me that I could apply even though I haven't taken the NET but to simply state it on the application that I am scheduled to take it this month. So, we'll see. I'm taking Statistics and Pharmacology this quarter and will be taking Pathophysiology through UCLA extension this coming winter quarter. I'm cutting it pretty close, but hey, the advisor I spoke to said I should apply. Keep us updated on how things are going! Anyone else apply to Samuel Merrit by the November 1, 2008 deadline? And which location did you apply to and have you completed all of the prerequisites before applying? Just wanting to know what the perspectives are.


I applied too :wink2: my first choice was SF, 2nd San Mateo, 3rd Oakland.

Good luck on NET, let me know how you did! I wonder how many ppl are applying for each location and how many they are accepting, Anyone know?


I applied too :wink2: my first choice was SF, 2nd San Mateo, 3rd Oakland.

Good luck on NET, let me know how you did! I wonder how many ppl are applying for each location and how many they are accepting, Anyone know?

Hi Izzy16,

Thanks for wishing me well on the NET. I'm taking it this coming Thursday and I'm really anxious! You know, when I spoke to an advisor at the San Mateo location, she told me that they accept about 50'ish applicants into each location, and have alot of waitlisted people. She told me that for San Mateo's last application period, before ours, they went through almost all the people through the wait list due to those being accepted either choosing to go to other schools or not meeting deadlines of classes completed, etc. She also said to be competitive you need to score about 70's in the NET.

Hi Izzy16,

Thanks for wishing me well on the NET. I'm taking it this coming Thursday and I'm really anxious! You know, when I spoke to an advisor at the San Mateo location, she told me that they accept about 50'ish applicants into each location, and have alot of waitlisted people. She told me that for San Mateo's last application period, before ours, they went through almost all the people through the wait list due to those being accepted either choosing to go to other schools or not meeting deadlines of classes completed, etc. She also said to be competitive you need to score about 70's in the NET.


Well you sure made me smile!!! to hear that I might have a chance!!IS the 70's score that you are talking about it composite score or individual score for math and English? Good luck on your test :nuke:

Oh, I'm not sure. But I'm guessing composite score???

I'm a current San Mateo Samuel Merritt ABSN student and I thought I'd pop in here to maybe answer some of your questions. Email if you have any general or specific questions :nuke:

I'm a current San Mateo Samuel Merritt ABSN student and I thought I'd pop in here to maybe answer some of your questions. Email if you have any general or specific questions :nuke:


So when did you start the absn program at sam merritt? How is it going so far? Was san mateo your first choice?

I started in June 2008. I actually never applied to San Mateo, I applied and was accepted to SF, but they had room here and offered to let me start early, so I did. It's going well, getting good grades and making it thru, just very hard & time consuming. Time has flown by, I can't believe I'm almost halfway done.

So, I just took the NET yesterday at SMC in Oakland! The proctor said we'll get our results in the mail in 2-7 days!:anbd:Now I just have to wait and see. I think I did very well in the math portion. (We'll see, I'm one of those that might've made a stupid mistake on 1 or 2 problems.), as for the reading comprehension, I think I did ok, but I never know until I get the results. Oh gosh, comprehension was never a stong point for me when it comes to test taking!:hdvwl:


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Re: Samuel Merritt ABSN - San Mateo June 09

I'm a current San Mateo Samuel Merritt ABSN student and I thought I'd pop in here to maybe answer some of your questions. Email if you have any general or specific questions :nuke:

:idea::D:nuke: HI THERE,

congrats to you, who knew half a year would go by right? on top of it, your'e getting good grades !!

anyhow, i am starting the absn program at San Mateo in January, and wanted to know if you can please give me heads up on a few things:

1. How many days are labs a week, and how many hours do labs typically last

2. Where are you doing your clinicals

3. And does San MAteo do take home exams?

I'm just mentally prepping myself right now, so far, i've written down my weekly lecture schedules, but they have yet to tell me my lab hours and clinical hours.

Oh by the way, how are your clinicals and at which site do you do them at?

:DThanks so much,

and thanks for offering your advice during these time consuming times at SMC. you are very generous.


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