Published Feb 11, 2004
24 Posts
I just took NCLEX today, and have to wait two days from now to get the results. What are the odds that shutting off at 75 I didn't pass, does anybody know? :uhoh21:
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
The chances are excellent that you DID pass!
When the computer shuts off after the minimum number of questions, it's because it has already determined whether or not you are a safe beginning practitioner. So you'd have to have seriously messed up on the test to NOT pass.
Of course, this little piece of knowledge didn't help me a bit back when MY computer shut off after the minimum, and I spent the next 10 days freaking out, much to the dismay of my family, friends, co-workers et. al...........but it was all worth it when I got that big envelope from my state BON.
37 Posts
I took the NCLEX 2 weeks ago and I got 75 questions. I was a nervous wreck but in the end I did pass and I got my liscense 4 days afterwards.
I wish ya good luck! And I'm sure you passed!
408 Posts
Mine shut down at the minimum too, I completely freaked. Was sitting there thinking NOOOOO please just give me a few more I know I can do better LOL. was also the first one in the room to finish, but i passed. Someone told me that the percent of passes at the minimum number of questions is near 100% so stop fretting i'm sure you did fine.
moni rn
297 Posts
i took my nclex yesterday, too, and i only had 75 questions. i did the exact same thing when my computer shut off. *lol*
you are so lucky that you only have to wait 48 hrs to find out your results. my state does not participate in that system. we have to wait at least a week. i am already a nervous wreck! i don't know how i will last!
what worries me the most is that i know of a couple of people who did fail with 75 questions. however, most of the people i do know or have heard about have passed with 75. i am so confused!
good luck!
216 Posts
:balloons: When I took the NCLEX in 97' it shut off at 75. I thought I was doing fine until then. I had to wait the usual 3wks. My family was anxoius too. They got the mail before I did and called me at work to see if I wanted them to open it. I did. They were all screaming congratulations into the phone. So there I was at work crying tears of joy. Don't worry, I bet you passed!
JacelRN, BSN, RN
209 Posts
Nurse 2 b,
Hang in there! Waiting is the worst part...been there, done that. Do whatever it takes to keep your head from spinning.
I'll be praying for you.
Let us know as soon as you know, its hard for us to wait too :chuckle
God Bless,
JacelRN :roll
1,037 Posts
Moni... I know you are going to be FINE!!!
Hi All,
Thanks for your uplifting words. I won't find out until at the earliest tomorrow, and it really has me bummed out. I tried looking on my board of nursing's web site to do a license verification check entering my last name and first name, and it doesn't pull me up. I'm hopeful that this is just a reflection of the information not being on the web site yet, and not that I didn't pass.
Hang in there Moni! I'm sure you did fine!!
Take care all,
73 Posts
I took my LVN NCLEX on Jan 30th. I'm in California, so we have to wait 3 -4 about sheer MADNESS!!
Mine shut off at the minumum of 85, and I too wished it had given me more chances......since then my mind has played all sorts of games with me, as well as dreaming about failing! I have heard people pass and people fail at the minimum.....I'll be praying we will be among those who PASS!!!
Only on day 12......come on 3 - 4 weeks!
Best wishes and passing results to all!!!
139 Posts
I took NCLEX on Monday and also had 75 ?'s!! I PASSED!! Don't sweat it....I know easier said then done. I tried to convince myself the rest of the day that I had failed, but the MN BON has a wonderful site that allows you to check the next day. I got my license in the mail. I am SURE you did fine. Just try to keep busy to keep your mind off of the test. Good luck, just think how good it will feel to have RN written behind your name!