??s about Jeff State full-time program


I was hoping someone familiar with the FT program at Jeff State could tell me a little about the program. How intense would it be if I have only NUR classes to take (I have an undergrad & have most classes already knocked out). I see that clinicals are TBA a lot of the time--does this mean that I need to have 8-5pm cleared from my calendar 5 days a week? I'm trying to determine if FT or PT would be the best fit for me. I really want to get done quickly, but also have a family & not sure if FT is do-able. Thansk!

Specializes in OR.

I graduated Jeff State's full time nursing program. I have three kids, but I don't think I could have worked AND gone through the program, although I know some who did. I kept my schedule pretty much clear, because as they will tell you, you have to be flexible. Our schedules changed constantly! One day they would give you a schedule and the next they would say, ok here are the changes. I am not really sure how their PT program works though. I know it is evenings.

I'm in my first semester. I only have to take nursing classes. My schedule right now is M 9-12 & 1-3:30; T 9-12; W 9-12; Th - no classes; F 9-12 & 1-3:30. Thursday and Friday are lab/clinical days; you go one day or the other based on your last name. I have heard that lab/clinical days can get switch around. Most of the people that are working, have evening shifts or weekend shifts. Good luck.

I have wondered this also. I am enrolled at Lawson State-Bessemer right now, I only have 5 classes left of my pre-reqs and will be taking 4 of them Summer '11 and 1 Fall '11. I am wanting to apply to Jeff State for the Spring '12 semester bc if I stay at Lawson I will have to take two semesters off before being able to start their program in the fall '12. Can anyone please tell me how long the program at Jeff State will be if I am only taking the nursing courses there?

I just started my first semester in the Jeff State program (full-time). The full-time program takes 5 straight semesters and the part-time evening program takes 7 semesters. It is very intense already. I have no children and am able to not work currently. I spend hours everyday studying, reading, etc. and that is just for the nursing classes. Hope that helps :)

At Jeff state you go to class when they tell you to like im in 3rd semster and we are are suppose to only have class 2 days a week we go every day and clinicals are from about 0630 to 1 nothing is set in stone

I have a question about the fees and stuff I'm going to have to pay for jeff state. I just applied for Summer, deadline is Feb 6, and I want to know how much my fees are going to be if get accepted. I see you have to pay for background checks and drug tests too, when do they usually do that stuff?

drug test $43 background I think is $40 or less insurance $20 name tag $5 books $570 Uniform about $60 for both top and bottom they say you need two but you really don't sethoscope a good one $70 pen light $5 at most oh yeah lab pack is going to be like $40

@lsk40... I'm guessing your in the program now? How do u like it?

It's okay I mean it would be better if they followed the schedule I can't plan anything ahead of time it's alot of work but you get use to it and the time really does fly by also if i were you guys I would pick the jefferson campus I live in shelby county and I commute the shelby campus is really nice but the jefferson campus has great teachers and you won't be up all night trying to make a care plan

O is the program all it's cracked up to be? I've heard Jeff state has a pretty good rep.. Some might say employers will pick a nurse from Jeff state before one from uab. Is this true?

the fee for background was 29.00 not 40. i wouldnt believe everything peeps say on here. doesnt sound like some know what they talking about

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