Rutgers University Spring 2019 ABSN

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi everyone,

I wanted to create a new discussion thread for people who are applying to the Rutgers ABSN program for Spring '19.

I applied to Newark again after not getting in for Fall '18 (didn't have Microbiology finished in time). I'm hoping that since I sent my application in early, I'll hear back early. Not sure that's how it works though.

Good luck, everyone!

Hi, I am just curious, have anyone heard back from Rutgers ?? Its already about 3 wks... how long we have to wait to hearing back from them.. I tried to call them, but no one picked up the phone....I m very stressed .....

Hi - I haven't heard but am very anxious too. At the information sessions I attended they always said 4-6 weeks after the application deadline. The only exception I know of to that was a friend who heard at about 2 1/2 weeks that they were accepted. It was a super perfect applicant with an advanced degree in another field and a 4.0 GPA in the prerequisites.

Some applicants are accepted for a following semester.

If anyone hears from the admissions committee, please let us all know.

Hi Sabrina,

When I was at an info session there was an ABSN student there and they told me that they had called the admissions office to 'check in' and they felt it was important. Did you do that and if so, what did you say? I don't want to be annoying but really want to be sure they know Rutgers is my first choice by a huge margin.


Hi Rich

Are u still waiting for their decision ? Or Rutgers already sent out the emails ?

I did not call their office of admission to check in

I got few emails from them but the time I received the update waitlisting - that I was admitted to the next term - I went there and spoke to someone who works at the office just to make sure I was really enrolled for spring 2019. Thats all I did. Now I am waiting for the orientation that I think will be December 5.

You are not annoying lololol... it's always good to ask what we don't know and share what we do :)))

Hi Saby4

I'm still waiting!! I haven't seen anything here on whether or not anyone has heard yet which makes me wonder when they are going to let people know. It's been nearly 3 weeks so I was hoping for some news.

No worries! Last year they started to send admissions if i am not wrong - from October 10... so wait one more week to their email !!!! It should be sending out soon !!!! And good luck !!! Hope see u at orientation for our spring starting :))))

Hey Sabrina! I was also waitlisted and accepted for a future term. I will be starting in Spring at Newark too! How did you know the orientation was on December 5th? Did they send an email regarding that?

Hey! That's awesome!!!! I saw at Rutgers website!

However it's not quite all updated there because the campus where we are supposed to confirm our presence for the orientation is for fall 2018 students.

I had emailed the office admissions and they said the link is not updated yet.

Thanks for the info!

You are very welcome!!! :))

Hello everyone! I just received my acceptance email for the newark campus today around noon so I believe you should start receiving your answers soon if you haven't already. Just wanted to share with everyone as the waiting game can get very nerve wracking.

Hi - CONGRATULATIONS!! You must be thrilled - not only are you in, but the waiting game is over! Had you applied before or was this your first application to Rutgers? Did you apply anywhere else? How did you do on the prereqs?

How did they let you know? email?


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