Rusty skills/burned some bridges. what to do?


Specializes in Psych.


I am in a position where I need to earn some money part time. But I have had health problems and stayed out of work for the last year. My last nursing job I was a school nurse and was give the choice of forced resignation or firing, I feel unfairly, after the supervisor discovered I had a disability called dyscalulia (math processing disability- I think they were afraid I were miscalculate a diabetic insulin dose), but obviously, the disability was never addressed as the reason for my resignation. My confidence took a real hit and I got very depressed.

In the meantime I had been seeing my neuro to get a seizure disorder under control. I still have seizures from time to time but no longer have health insurance or income. I live with a friend and really really need to make money.

I think I can only handle part time work, in fact I am sure of it, but even that scares me to death. I have become very scared and ill confident.

I'm uncomfortable and unsure how to handle myself around people now. Maybe a social phobia? After the forced resignation I lost my house due to loss of income and there were a number of riduculously dramatic screw ups that followed, including kidnapping of my child, [she was recovered, thank goodness, but police had to recover her 1800 miles away]....I hate this. I don't like this dependency on others, this dramatic ****, this depression, the loss of all that I made for myself. But now I have to find my way back.

I don't really want to be a nurse anymore but for now I need income. How do I get some skills back and work part time to climb this mountain back to self sufficiency?

Specializes in hospice, home care, LTC.

Sorry to hear of your misfortunes. I recommend that you stay away from nursing. Are you able to collect disability? You really need to secure health benefits (possible thru disability) and get your health on track before you're able to safely re-enter nursing. Good luck.

Specializes in Psych.
Sorry to hear of your misfortunes. I recommend that you stay away from nursing. Are you able to collect disability? You really need to secure health benefits (possible thru disability) and get your health on track before you're able to safely re-enter nursing. Good luck.

Thanks for the reply. I applied for disability but was denied. My hearing for appeal is over a year away.

Yea, it's sticky. Thanks again.

Yes, finding a nursing job would be quick income using the license and background you have worked hard for. However a social phobia may only put jepordize your license and career. You would not want to put yourself in a situation to cause harm to others or even yourself. As a nurse you must exude confidence! The job search alone will zap what little is left.. Its tough out there and not much room for rusty skills and depression.

Specializes in LPN.

I am sorry to hear of your plight. I know that we all need to work,and support ourselves. Disability can take a long time to come.

One thing I would tell you, is to watch that you don't keep repeating your sad and angry thoughts. They will work like acid on your esteem. It may seem like a little and very late, but it's a place to start now. Refuse to let your thought drift to those angry and scarey and lonely places. Start getting out if only for a little while, to church or a book club. The more you stay secluded, the more seclued you will become.

Look at others around you and contribute, if only a little thing like a smile. Sit in the sun, if you are in a state that has it this time of the year.

I wish I had more help I could offer you. It sounds like you have an uphill battle, and so you must start rounding up the weapons you will need. Don't let self pity and fear push you futher down that hill.

Specializes in Home health was tops, 2nd was L&D.

If you have disability lawyer,, why would it take a yr for appeal?? And you should be able to get food stamps and Medicaid type coverage! Have you applied.. have you contacted larger churches for assistance or at least some food?

There is help out there but you have to seek it out,, things are tougher now on more people. Good luck.

Do not try to be a nurse.. you might very well crash and end up in medical facility.. much too stressful.. Maybe you could do a few hrs of retail to some $$. Any job is stressful but if you start slow.

Specializes in ICU, School Nurse, Med/Surg, Psych.

you can do a lot of nursing jobs that have nothing to do with patient care- look into part time work for insurance companies (I have done temp medical record review jobs that pay really good and don't use any "skills" other than my medical knowledge, nursing practice act knowledge and reading) Think outside the box - ask your local lawyers if they could use the cheap services of medical record review for malpractice cases - you will charge a lot less than an MD or experienced consultant but can still deliver the goods.

Specializes in Med surg, LTC, Administration.

I am in a position where I need to earn some money part time. But I have had health problems and stayed out of work for the last year. My last nursing job I was a school nurse and was give the choice of forced resignation or firing, I feel unfairly, after the supervisor discovered I had a disability called dyscalulia (math processing disability- I think they were afraid I were miscalculate a diabetic insulin dose), but obviously, the disability was never addressed as the reason for my resignation. My confidence took a real hit and I got very depressed.

In the meantime I had been seeing my neuro to get a seizure disorder under control. I still have seizures from time to time but no longer have health insurance or income. I live with a friend and really really need to make money.

I think I can only handle part time work, in fact I am sure of it, but even that scares me to death. I have become very scared and ill confident.

I'm uncomfortable and unsure how to handle myself around people now. Maybe a social phobia? After the forced resignation I lost my house due to loss of income and there were a number of riduculously dramatic screw ups that followed, including kidnapping of my child, [she was recovered, thank goodness, but police had to recover her 1800 miles away]....I hate this. I don't like this dependency on others, this dramatic ****, this depression, the loss of all that I made for myself. But now I have to find my way back.

I don't really want to be a nurse anymore but for now I need income. How do I get some skills back and work part time to climb this mountain back to self sufficiency?

Wow, sorry, I feel for you. Do you have a support system...friends, family, place of worship? You have so many things going on in your life right now, much to much for anyone to bear alone. I hope you are reaching out to people who love you, are being honest with them and will let them help you. We all need help from time to time, so don't feel too proud to ask for it.

Obviously, I don't know you. But, I really feel going into nursing at this time, is not a good idea. I am treading carefully here and don't want you to get the wrong impression, I say this with the utmost care, you need to see a therapist and as soon as possible. There are just too many things going on in your life, that is not being addressed. Your health, your child, your fear...these are flags that something is going on much greater than lack of work.......I don't say this often, but you need state assistance. You need state health insurance to get to the bottom of all your health issues. Your child, who was kidnapped needs appropriate medical care. I can't even image what the two of you have endured, but I know counseling is in order.

I would not consider working anywhere until these health issues are addresses. You will find your way back, but first you need to find a lifeline. Good luck! You can do this and must, for not only your sake, but also for your child. Peace!

If you need someone to talk too, email me anytime.

Specializes in Psych.

I just want to thank everyone for their very kind replies. My anxiety level was such that I was even afraid to look at the responses for fear of being flamed by people I don't know - but you all were very gentle in your opinions.

To answer one nurse, according to my disability lawyer, the reason it will take about a year for an appeals hearing is because the courts are backed up with many cases like mine. Yes, I applied for food stamps, and received $34 a month. Thank goodness my friend and her husband are letting my little girl and I stay with them for now - but I'm always afraid of wearing out my welcome before a solution comes.

Again, I want to thanks you sweet souls. I am indeed on the other side right now, a patient instead of a nurse, fighting depression...and I am taking your advice. It's very hard for me not to isolate myself, but I do try to simply sit at a cafe and buy my daughter a hot chocolate, even tho the tendency is to want to stop putting on make up or bothering to dress, much less go out.

You're very good nurses. Very good. Thank you for the thoughtful words and time.

I just don't know what will come next. More education so I can get back to nursing? Or something else?

You're right, the social phobia has to be addressed first.

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