rose state college..advice anything you can give to help

U.S.A. Oklahoma


Hi. I am on a 2 year track to getting my associates in science. I want to further that with a bsn but i think since we are military i am going to get my RN license first with a associates then move on to my bsn. Here is the thing though i am just starting it this summer. I am taking 4 internet courses and then taking actual classes in the fall. I hope to be able to get all my pre reqs done to apply for their nursing program the following fall or spring, whenever it opens up to. I am really pushing with this.

What are their requirements to get accepted? What do you need? I have my CNA license already. I am not sure if that will help me or not. I struggle with dyslexia and dysgraphia and was always told things in life would be hard, in fact my parents never made me push for anything and they would always talk me out of hard stuff. In fact they are doing it to me now with nursing. I struggle with this everyday and i know i can do it but i just fear that i won't be able to get in with how hard i have to work at things.:crying2: Do you think it will be possible for me to get accepted eventually? I know i know i shouldn't be so hard on myself but its really hard when everyone expects you to fail. I have always wanted to be a nurse..always. I don't know why i am self doubting now. taking that first step to apply for admission and take the compass was hard but i did it.

Any advice to give would be greatly appreciated. thank you!

No, I have been taking classes this semester just towards my bachelor's. How long is the CNA program? I already have 3 points from working at a hospital for 6 years. I guess I should check into it. Thanks

it is a work at your own pace.. you can complete the bookwork in a few weeks and then complete 16 hours (2 days) of clinicals. I think I paid $350 to do the class (that was the cost for books and everything). You take the tests at your own pace. Check into Moor Norman votech on sw 134th and Penn. Good luck!!!

hey everyone. I also applied to the nursing program at Rose. I applied last semester with 123, didn't get in. Applied again for fall semester, with a 134 and haven't heard back YET! Waiting is so hard!!

They said letters are going out this week!! YAY :yeah:!! Keep your fingers crossed everyone!!

I called and they said that the tentative cut off is 131 for fall.

Does anyone know what the schedule is like at Rose? Clinical hours/class times/etc...?

Really!!! 131 would be great! I hope that we do get letters, the wait is so extremely hard!! As far as the schedule, all I have really heard is that it is Monday-Thursday for the day program. But other than that, I can't wait to find out.

I was told 131 today also...guess it's back to the COMPASS test for I did check into the CNA program. They have one here in town I can complete in 2 weeks. Thanks for the advice.

After you take the COMPASS, get your results and go to a tutor. They are free and can focus on what you are struggling with. Also, if you do the CNA, it will give you some cushion points... good luck!!


I know one thing that helped me with studying for the compass, was using an ACT study book. I just kept going through it and I think that it really did help me alot. Don't worry, it will happen. Just don't give up.

I did go back & double check my compass scores and I have 99 on everything except for the pre-alg portion which I had an 83...I only need to get to the 93 to get those last 6 points...I will eventually get

You never know, I think they have an altranate list and a 1 plus 1 program. I applied last fall with 126 and they said I was eligible to do the 1 plus 1, I almost did but decided to do a CNA program and try again later. The 1plus1 is where you go to a votech your first year and get your LPN, then you are automatically accepted to start the RN program the next year at Rose and it's just 1 year to do the LPN to RN bridge. It's the same amount of time (2 years), but it's just kind of a different path.

I have been working as a CNA and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. It has been really great to jump in and get my feet wet. I kind of stalk the nurses, which they don't mind because they know I am trying to get into nursing school, and watch them put in caths and start IVs ect...

I know it is frustrating not to get in. Life is really not a race though, I keep telling myself that. We will all get there when we get there. :nurse:

agreed...I will eventually get in...she did tell me that the 1+1 would go to 129 so I am sure that I will be in that group (that's the way she made it sound) but there are not any lpn programs that haven't already done their applications for fall...I will just take the CNA program this summer & keep trying on the COMPASS...I was only 2 points off this time...

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