Roll Call 4580 Leadership, Starting 3/25/13

Nursing Students Ohio University


Next on the list is Leadership in Nursing, who's in?

Oh wait a minute I just logged into to BB and see last night the TA posted an announcement to assist with week 2 assignments. Yeah thats right the assignments that are due today!!! She gave some helpful hints for the quiz too, that would have helped me on thursday or friday which is when I had to take the test. Grrrrr!!!! this is so frustrating!

Okay procrastinators. Someone on a different forum gave this advice. For the paper...look at each question as one paragraph. 6 paragraphs...bam you are done with your paper.

I'm just worried about that because I was dinged for not meeting the (unlisted) minimum number of pages on the first assignment. This assignment also says not to exceed 5 pages but has no minimum listed. But I feel like my TA expects exactly 5 pages.

Specializes in peri-anesthesia services.

this procrastinator is done. In more than one way. Three more weeks right?

As if waiting for grades on papers isn't bad enough- now we wait for quiz grades. :(

I received a grade for week two paper but no quiz grade yet. Anyone else have a quiz grade?

Specializes in Trauma.
I received a grade for week two paper but no quiz grade yet. Anyone else have a quiz grade?

No I am curious to see what I get!

I received a grade for week two paper but no quiz grade yet. Anyone else have a quiz grade?

Lucky you! I never got any grade back this early. I would expect my grades to be back in a few days based on last week's experience. :(

I received my paper's grade but no quiz yet. The quiz to me was easy except the SATA questions.. Damn it I hate that format.

Yes...those are tricky. Reminded me of NCLEX.

I got my quiz grade: 15/15

I got my quiz grade: 15/15

Fabulous...I have no grades yet for week 2!! Nope...take that back I just checked again...I have a 14.3/15 Not sure what I missed. Does anyone know where to look? I really don't care...glad they are grading kindly. I had 30 minutes left over after submitting the test. So, I just flew through my answers. Must have worked.

Fabulous...I have no grades yet for week 2!! Nope...take that back I just checked again...I have a 14.3/15 Not sure what I missed. Does anyone know where to look? I really don't care...glad they are grading kindly. I had 30 minutes left over after submitting the test. So, I just flew through my answers. Must have worked.

I got a 14.6/15, I can't access the test to see what I got wrong. I am guessing they don't want us to have access to it so we can't "pass it along". That is how it was in the Nutrition class.

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