RN school wait lists in BC

World Canada CA Programs


First off, hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and stumbled on it while spending hours trying to research my alternatives.

I'm in Vancouver, BC (permanent resident) planning to go for my RN. I'm a mature student with 19 credit hours from a US university, but most of those credits are liberal arts, so I'm not sure what will really count except for the math and English. I know I'll have to take the A&Ps and Psychs- biology was much more than 5 years ago, but I did make an A! lol

When I first started looking, I found that VCC has a relatively new RN BSN program and I spoke to the academic advisers who told me that there was no wait list. I got approved for my student loan, requested all my transcripts and registered as a student. Today (only a week later) I spoke with a different adviser who informed me that not only is there a wait list, but that there are 49 students on it and that they will only be taking 24. VCC only has a fall intake so she told me that if I'm "lucky" I could get in the class of 2012 but likely 2013! ack. I suppose the only positive there is that they are a first come, first serve school so I will eventually move up the list for sure.

In the meantime, the adviser suggested I apply to multiple schools in the Lower Mainland, and choose one to attend for prerequisites while biding my time, hoping for one of them to eventually send me an acceptance. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. I applied to Douglas and will probably actually attend there because it is much closer to home than VCC, plus they do two intakes per year so that's a plus. Will anyone be attending the Douglas psych or A&P for summer 2011? Would be nice to know someone going in.

So I guess the purpose of my post is to first make contact with anyone else currently waiting out their time, and also to compare any up-to-date info you have on wait lists. As far as Douglas' preferential placement goes, with a max number of points at 14, what is a "good" number of points to have to be competitive? I'm thinking I will have around 8. >

Thanks for reading!

See I think b/c I got my email around 445, they must have already fixed that error :) my letter didn't even discuss a commitment fee, it just said in bold letters "full tuition is due immediately" with no amount, so I just looked it up. I forgot about the u pass fee though.

I guess the emails weren't all the same, the one I got basically said the same thing but it had the tuition amount and the U-pass fee.

Miss Thang, I hope UFV posts their decision online tommorow or gives you the results by phone. Waiting over the weekend can't be fun.

Fiona, I only took grade 12 Bio and Math... I took 3 math courses in Uni and a lot of my Sciences too! Plus, I'm already accepted to the U of C program, so I guess in Alberta you really do not need all your Science 12's.

I am pretty sure that it makes a difference that you already have a degree. I think it said that for people just out of high school they require math chem and bio 30, but for degree holders it states 90 transfer credits including an english, A&P, etc. At U of A they require Bio 30 , chem 30 (or another science) math etc. So as with everywhere, the requirements depend on what you already have :)

Tan Fran, have you made any progress with your decision? Do you know anyone in Calgary? The wages for Nurses are higher there, and the cost of living is lower....If I didn't have my little girl here I would probably go back....My mom and whole family is there. That being said, BC is so beautiful and I am thankful that I live here.

As far as the programs go....do you have any of your transfer credits for BCIT? Lib studies, Psych etc? That would make the BCIT program even less intense, however I don't think that the amount of new info you learn in regards to nursing will be any different. BCIT requires 60 transfer credits to be competitive and U 'of C requires 90 transfer credits for the program you are looking at, which might equal another year of general studies for the life experience factor :)

you have a tough choice to make and I wish you luck with that!

Smiley, Thank you so much for your detailed answer and information! I think I have made a bit of progress with my decision. I absolutely love BC, and I will for sure come back home to work here when I graduate, so I am just looking into how that would all work. I am under the impression, that the exam is a National exam, so it would be ok to get a degree from there and come back to work!

I have not taken the BCIT courses, but I have other ones that I am pretty sure would count towards my elective courses :) Lots of Pysch, Stat, Math, History, blah blah...

I do have a tough choice to make, and I am going to decide today. I think tt would be so great if I chose U of C and got someone on this same thread into BCIT! decisions....decisions...eeeep!

Has anybody heard anything from the UFV yet??

Specializes in Neurology and Cardiology.
Has anybody heard anything from the UFV yet??

NOPE and it is driving me CRAAAZZYY!!:grn:

I am going CRAZY too! Hopefully we will know something on Monday.... Good luck!!!

I am going crazy too, in regards to waiting for the letter from UFV.after my A&P exam today I went to nursing dept. and asked them if they could tell me, since they mailed out the letters today anyway. They couldn't tell me, but I think many girls went there from my class to find out too. They said they got 150 complete applications, 80 interviewed, but I heard those numbers before, so maybe it is just the mean they are useing. Anyway she said it is easier for sept intake because it is 1 in 3 chance, and Jan intake is 1 in 5

Is anyone taking classes at UFV now?

1 in 5....hmmmm, I am getting more and more nervous by the minute.

I am not taking any classes this semester. How did your A&P exam go? I have completed this class through the Athabasca U and I remember it was not easy...

Specializes in Neurology and Cardiology.

Yes, I am trying to be optimistic (after all, they have to let SOME people into the program...why not me?) but that is fading fast. If I dont get in for this Jan I am going to do everything in my power to get in for Sept. I just wish I knew one way or another!!

Is A & P a transfer credit for Nursing, or do u have to redue it? For me the exam was tough, it is a mix tho, some people think the course is hard, others don't. I just can't image having to take this course and four other ones like the girls in nursing are doing now. I am only taking this class and another, and I still find it difficult. This is difficult to accept why I am struggling, I got 93 in bio, and 89 in chem.....don't know

Invictus, will u change any prereq's for sept, or summit the same application?

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