RN school wait lists in BC

World Canada CA Programs


First off, hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and stumbled on it while spending hours trying to research my alternatives.

I'm in Vancouver, BC (permanent resident) planning to go for my RN. I'm a mature student with 19 credit hours from a US university, but most of those credits are liberal arts, so I'm not sure what will really count except for the math and English. I know I'll have to take the A&Ps and Psychs- biology was much more than 5 years ago, but I did make an A! lol

When I first started looking, I found that VCC has a relatively new RN BSN program and I spoke to the academic advisers who told me that there was no wait list. I got approved for my student loan, requested all my transcripts and registered as a student. Today (only a week later) I spoke with a different adviser who informed me that not only is there a wait list, but that there are 49 students on it and that they will only be taking 24. VCC only has a fall intake so she told me that if I'm "lucky" I could get in the class of 2012 but likely 2013! ack. I suppose the only positive there is that they are a first come, first serve school so I will eventually move up the list for sure.

In the meantime, the adviser suggested I apply to multiple schools in the Lower Mainland, and choose one to attend for prerequisites while biding my time, hoping for one of them to eventually send me an acceptance. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. I applied to Douglas and will probably actually attend there because it is much closer to home than VCC, plus they do two intakes per year so that's a plus. Will anyone be attending the Douglas psych or A&P for summer 2011? Would be nice to know someone going in.

So I guess the purpose of my post is to first make contact with anyone else currently waiting out their time, and also to compare any up-to-date info you have on wait lists. As far as Douglas' preferential placement goes, with a max number of points at 14, what is a "good" number of points to have to be competitive? I'm thinking I will have around 8. >

Thanks for reading!

@Invictus- you are absolutely right, 32 people will get in, and it might as well be us!!! We will find out on Monday :)

@ Miss Thang- Athabasca A&P did transfer into HSC 110&112. I would not be very happy if I had to redo it!

why do you think we will find out Monday, they only mailed it out today, or will they tell us over the phone monday if we call?

i am lucky, my mail comes at 830 am, so I wake up, look, and can move on with my day. I don't need to chase my mailman, lol :monkeydance:

I wish all of you guys luck. I hope you all get into UFV :)

They have started to create the timetable for BCIT students so I was excited to get a glimpse of that this evening....All looks pretty manageable but the 7 am start on Thursday is gonna take some getting used to! I think they are still moving some stuff around so we will have to wait and see :)

I wish all of you guys luck. I hope you all get into UFV :)

They have started to create the timetable for BCIT students so I was excited to get a glimpse of that this evening....All looks pretty manageable but the 7 am start on Thursday is gonna take some getting used to! I think they are still moving some stuff around so we will have to wait and see :)

Just so you know..those timetables on myBCIT are not correct :) they load all possible classes on there, which is why you may see that you have conflicting times, or 2 of one class, etc. Your specific schedule will be emailed to you before the program OR given to you on the first day of class. So everybody will have that 7 AM class online, but in reality only 11 students will have that slot (and they take volunteers for it).

when does the program start for BCIT? How many people got in?

Miss Thang- We have orientation on Dec 15 and start Jan 9. Not sure exactly how many got in.

Jasn- I had a feeling that things were not quite set in stone yet...too bad cause I kind of like the one that is shown :) so, can you tell me, do we have patho twice/week? and It shows 2 full days of clinical...is that right?


total tuition due Nov 9 is 3087.35. If you have already paid the commitment fee, subtract 200.00. I applied for a fee deferral b/c my student loan doesn't kick in until classes start. It was approved the next day and so my tuition is due Feb 7 2012. When I looked at my outstanding amount, it said 0.00 until my deferral went through....

That tuition amount is listed under fees and refunds. If you go to the nursing homepage, click on costs, fees and refunds, tuition for degree programs..


sorry, if i'm bombarding you guys with more questions...I paid $200 for my commitment fee but my tuition fee still says $$3,237.35. Under account summary is says "Tuition & Other Payments Held for Future Release $200.00"

mine says that too! I went into BCIT and paid with a credit card, now when I click on pay tuition, it says I have to pay 200.00..? I also applied for a fee deferral, and was approved but on my account it lists the charge for tuition, then the fee deferral approval, the deferral expired....etc... I got a letter in the mail today stating my deferral was approved and my balance is due on feb 7th....online it says my total charges for the term is over 6000.00! I'm sure this is an error but I plan to call monday to get it straightened out :)

mine says that too! I went into BCIT and paid with a credit card, now when I click on pay tuition, it says I have to pay 200.00..? I also applied for a fee deferral, and was approved but on my account it lists the charge for tuition, then the fee deferral approval, the deferral expired....etc... I got a letter in the mail today stating my deferral was approved and my balance is due on feb 7th....online it says my total charges for the term is over 6000.00! I'm sure this is an error but I plan to call monday to get it straightened out :)

okay good. So i guess I shouldn't start panicking yet..I was thinking "Oh my gosh they just took $200 with acknowledging my payment"

PS..don't know if you looked into or were interested but http://www.aved.gov.bc.ca/studentaidbc/repay/repaymentassistance/loanforgiveness.htm

Specializes in Neurology and Cardiology.

If it dont get in I will be taking my stat math and maybe english 105, and perhaps upgrading my Bio 12, the only mark I have I dont have a A in. I will also try and get credit for all the hours I am putting in here in the clinic in Haiti...I would have to take the courses in Jan, but a UFV counsler told me that they wait for the winter semester grades to be final before making decisions regarding seats for Sept. Uhhgg!! I dont know, too much to think about. What about you guys, what were your stats applying to the program? Is this your first time applying?

Miss Thang- We have orientation on Dec 15 and start Jan 9. Not sure exactly how many got in.

Jasn- I had a feeling that things were not quite set in stone yet...too bad cause I kind of like the one that is shown :) so, can you tell me, do we have patho twice/week? and It shows 2 full days of clinical...is that right?

Yes patho is 2x/week...lecture and seminar. you'll also have communications, professional practice, clinical techniques, and PBL 1x/week, for about 2-3 hours each. Pharm starts halfway through the term but is online. Clinical for level one I think was 5 or 5.5 hours per day, 2x per week (although for the first 6 weeks you only have it 1x per week). Each level you'll increase your shift lengths (6 hours, 8 hours, eventually 12 hours). I believe it shows two full days of clinical on that schedule because some groups will do mornings and some will do afternoons.

thanks for the info!

Both of my clinical slots say 830-1620 and they both say clinical technique 1- assessment .....on Tuesday/Wed. It says Nurs 1055 (interpersonal communication) on Monday and patho Monday and Friday. The actual clinical (Nurs 1030) isn't listed until feb27, and its also on Tues/Wed from 830-1520 or 1420....

It is obviously not quite finished :) I am just soooo excited!

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