RN Pre Reqs


I'm just curious as to how long it took you to complete your RN pre req's going to school full time. Also for those of you who went part time, how long did it take you? I currently enrolled full time, but I have a 4 month old...... so you never know, I may end up enrolling part time next semester.

Thank you all

Specializes in CVICU.

3 years but was taking pre reqs to transfer for BSN.. I did not go full time every semester and I too have a child. She's 2 and a half I've been in school the whole time.. Throughout pregnancy and just finished my last class and am waiting for acceptance

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, julzgarcia:

Slightly under 1 year. Started June 18, 2013 and finished May 7, 2014.

Thank you.

Good day, julzgarcia:

Slightly under 1 year. Started June 18, 2013 and finished May 7, 2014.

Thank you.

Did you go full time?

my ADN pre reqs could have been finished in a year (going part time) but I was taking BSN pre reqs too so I have been going a year and a half full time to get them finished....I will be finished with all BSN pre reqs after the fall semester (2 years after I started)...going full time MOST semesters....I will be part time this semester for lack of classes to take....I took another part time semester because I was taking 2 science classes with labs that I needed good grades in

BSN Pre-Reqs, Full time, 1 and a half years

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Good day, julzgarcia:

Yes, full time from summer 2013 to spring 2014.

Thank you.

I could have applied to the nursing program after one semester of pre reqs, but I waited til I had completed a second semester so I could also work on my co reqs. I was accepted into the program to start in Jan 2015, so I will end up taking 3 semester (full-time) of pre and co reqs before starting the nursing program.

My ADN program doesnt actually have any college-level pre-reqs per say but I am applying this December for the program to start next year. So if I get in technically I will have taken a year, FT of pre-requisites, but I could do part time. Or shoot, I could take next semester off. But my plan is to take only 1 other class alongside my core nursing classes so I am trying to get all the other non-nursing classes out of the way.

However my ADN program is competitive so I will also be trying to complete the pre-reqs to a BSN program as well, if I do this I will have to take Microbiology over the summer and will be doing 1.5 years (1 yr full time, summer semester part time)

Specializes in ICU.

ADN, 3 semesters. Got all of my prereqs and coreqs done. Full time.

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