RN From the Phils to the UK and Finally to US


[color=#cc6600]the past 12 months has been pretty busy for me as it was our first year in america... we've been trying to settle down as fast as we could and trying to build up our credit history from zero!!! i am so glad i am a nurse. getting a car was so easy. the car companies were saying, they gave you credit because you are a nurse. whoa! that's cool! i love being a nurse money-wise! it's the wisest decision i have made in my life!!! i remember dean lara during the interview why i want to enrol in nursing school and i couldn't decide if i should tell her the truth or to just wing it. now, i don't remember what i said but being young and brass at that time, i suspect, i told her about the money thing. hehehhe! so glad she still accepted me!

[color=#cc6600]my job has been getting really easy now especially that our hospital is almost paperless!!! the only thing we haven't computerized are the doctors!!!wouldn't it be wonderful that they enter their own orders in the computer which means i don't need to figure out who the hell entered those *%£$@#&*** orders??? maybe it would be nice too if we can just e-mail them to e-sign those ^%&*()"£@'## papers that they have been forgetting to sign for dayssss!!!!

[color=#cc6600]i discovered too that being a nurse is being powerful at the workplace. can't believe i can even fire someone (indirectly though) if he is being lazy! but okay, no, my conscience can't do that! everybody deserves a second chance. also, i noticed that if you make even just a teeny weeny mistake, you can't tell anyone because it will blow up like hell. just try to fix the problem as soon as you can and pray that the computers are not that intelligent enough to find out about the fix! hehehe!

[color=#cc6600]one thing i miss though is england. i still wish i could go back and visit sometime next year. it's just the most beautiful country i've ever seen in my entire life. not to demean the americans but i just can't laugh at their stupid jokes. i just smile. but honestly, i would love to tell them that it's better to "say nothing when there is nothing good to say". it works best really! some americans don't even know what language they speak in england! now it makes me really damn proud to be filipino!!! did they even think that queen elizabeth ii is american ??? :rotfl: :rotfl: :lol_hitti okay now, i know it takes a while to get used to the american culture. i chose to stay here and it means i just got to work it out. i just have to blend. give me 3 years now and i wouldn't even care about the vanity of americans. i'm still in culture shock!

[color=#cc6600]i guess i need to stop talking about this culture shock i am going through or else it will never end and i need to do a lot of housechores now. hahaha!

Specializes in renal,peritoneal dialysis, medicine.

it sounds like you have enjoyed working out the american system, sounds like things have gone quite smoothly for you, its nice to hear a tale which seems to have your giggles imprinted on every line.


Your post made me laugh especially the part about wishing for computerised doctors.:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle It seems to me that you are having a great time in your new homeland. It makes a change from the horror stories I read every now and then. I am in the process of emigrating to the US and I can't wait. I hope I enjoy it as much as you seem to be.

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.
Your post made me laugh especially the part about wishing for computerised doctors.:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle It seems to me that you are having a great time in your new homeland. It makes a change from the horror stories I read every now and then. I am in the process of emigrating to the US and I can't wait. I hope I enjoy it as much as you seem to be.

You know there will always be horror stories where ever you go live work and play. Thats what makes us all so interesting. I heard a good one yesterday about nurses living in Phoenix fearing for their life from gun slingers, now I kwe live in Cowboy country but please:trout: :lol2:

Specializes in renal,peritoneal dialysis, medicine.


i thought that was texas?

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.

Texas too-where I live it just looks like the cowboy movies, but then I live in the back end of beyond. One road in and one road out

Hello Carol,

After reading your post I felt compelled to reply. I was a little disheartened by the tone of your message. It sounds to me like you have a fixed idea of Americans, and have painted us all with the same brush. I can tell you, after living here and traveling extensively, you find witty, intelligent people everywhere in this world, just like you find obnoxious, uninformed people in all parts of the world. Surely the world's most intelligent and wittiest people can't all be concentrated in the Phillipines and England, can they?!

I'm sure you will adjust to life in America just fine. You really should try seeing some of the beautiful places we have here in the States, then you may have a better appreciation of the country you now call your home.

As for the money to be made in nursing, I agree that it is quite good in the US. Be thankful for that! If money is your main motivation, and from your post it clearly is, then you're in the right place! I do hope you don't mess up your career somehow though, by covering up your mistakes, as you admitted to doing. Perhaps these are just very small mistakes, hopefully nothing that would put your trusting patients in danger.

Good luck!


it sounds like you have enjoyed working out the american system, sounds like things have gone quite smoothly for you, its nice to hear a tale which seems to have your giggles imprinted on every line.


oh i've had a lot of bad times too like when i started my orientation, i have to adjust to patients asking for their pain meds and they would say... "NURSE I WANT MY PAIN MED!" It was such a shock to me as I was used patients saying, "nurse, could i have a pain med please?" So I have to adjust to that.

You know there will always be horror stories where ever you go live work and play. Thats what makes us all so interesting. I heard a good one yesterday about nurses living in Phoenix fearing for their life from gun slingers, now I kwe live in Cowboy country but please:trout: :lol2:

It doesn't always have to be doom and gloom. It's nice to be able to laugh and smile once in a while.

Specializes in RN, BSN, CHDN.
It doesn't always have to be doom and gloom. It's nice to be able to laugh and smile once in a while.

I so agree

Your post made me laugh especially the part about wishing for computerised doctors.:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle It seems to me that you are having a great time in your new homeland. It makes a change from the horror stories I read every now and then. I am in the process of emigrating to the US and I can't wait. I hope I enjoy it as much as you seem to be.

Oh yeah! It could be fun! Sometimes, the humour could be unexpected. I love listening to President Bush too.

did they even think that queen elizabeth ii is american ???

she's german.



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