Review Books for NCLEX-PN


Specializes in Substance Abuse/Addiction Services.

I'm a graduate LPN, and getting ready to take my NCLEX, i have been studying "made Incredibly easy" 3000 questions. It is actually very helpful, material is up to date, questions are really direct, but i would like to know has anyone else used this book before? Just curious, thanks :idea:

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.


I prefer Saunders because I feel like it is one of the most challenging ones. Good luck with the boards! Jules

I used that book but then switched to Saunder. Saunder is more comprehensive and includes more materials that may be in the NCLEX, which may not be included in Incredibly made easy.

I highly recommend Kaplan NCLEX Strategy too.

Saunder helps with NCLEX material questions.

Kaplan helps with therapeutic communication, priority, delegation questions, and elimination techinique.

Elimination techniques used in Saunder is not helping me at all; however, Kaplan does a pretty good job in this.

Good luck,

I'm a graduate LPN, and getting ready to take my NCLEX, i have been studying "made Incredibly easy" 3000 questions. It is actually very helpful, material is up to date, questions are really direct, but i would like to know has anyone else used this book before? Just curious, thanks :idea:

I used that book during my nclex review, its a good book dont worry you will still be able to use it during your review.....specially the Q and A on CD. In terms of substance and content I recommend Saunders....and dont just go through the Q and A (CD) but make time to at least brush through the book. I guess that's why some exam taker's say that though they used saunders it didnt help them, I think and in my opinion they were not able to go through the contents itself but went directly to the Q and A part. For strategies and approach on questions, I recommend Kaplan. I find the questions in the NCLEX quite similar in construction and delivery with that of Kaplan. And you might just be quite surprise to know that Kaplan's delivery of question is almost the same with "NCLEX made Incredibly easy". In my review, I usually alternate my review exams with saunders, Nclex made incrediby easy, and Kaplan strategy. Goodluck on your review!!!;)

I used Lippincott's NCLEX-PN made incredibly easy.

Specializes in Cardiac ICU; CV Nursing; Medical Surg; Psychiatric.
I'm a graduate LPN, and getting ready to take my NCLEX, i have been studying "made Incredibly easy" 3000 questions. It is actually very helpful, material is up to date, questions are really direct, but i would like to know has anyone else used this book before? Just curious, thanks :idea:

I already took my nclexpn on feb 4th and haven't found out my results but I finished with 85 questions. The books I used were Saunders comprehensive along with the CD, and four weeks before I took my test I did the online review with ncsbn @ learningext. com I found that the ncsbn review online is really really helpful to take before the test. The nclex questions are very very similar to the ncsbn online review.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

I used Saunders and Kaplan, and passed on the first attempt with 85 questions.

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