Returning after FMLA leave, please share.


Specializes in ER.

I wanted to hear from others who have returned from serious illnesses or accidents. I'm currently on FMLA, will be doing some light duty for the rest of April soon, and will be returning to work in May.

What sort of psychological or physical hurdles did you encounter? I've been off so far for over 6 weeks and it will be 10 weeks by the time I return. I know I'm not alone in having to face this challenge, it would good and helpful to hear from others. Please share.

Specializes in Emergency, ICU.

Hi Emergent,

I was on FMLA for 8 weeks for a foot injury. I returned straight to regular duty and was very well received by my colleagues. I realized when I got to my first shift back how much I'd missed everyone!

People were a little overprotective of me at first, and I decided to let do what they wanted to do for me. I realized that although I'd been medically cleared, I hadn't been working for 2 months and most of that was non weight bearing, so I was actually weaker than I predicted. It was nice to have others offer to push the heavy stretchers to CT or whatever.

It took me about 2 weeks to feel back to speed if I remember correctly.

Your injury was more severe than mine from what you shared, so I'm really happy you're ready to start so soon. I suggest taking it easy and listening to your body. We often push ourselves farther than we should.

Good luck!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

I laughingly call myself the "Queen of FMLA". I've had to care for a parent with dementia, had a back injury, cancer and three serious surgeries for a whopping total of a bit over 2 years off in the past decade. In most cases, I came back part time and worked up to full time. (The exception was the time I was caring for my parent -- it was the shortest leave, but by far the most stressful!) My colleagues have been wonderful to me, and I was amazed at how much I had missed being a nurse during my medical leave.

During my first FMLA, I had nightmares about returning to work and was sure I'd never be able to do it again. I had injured myself at work, and I'm sure that played into my fears. I was sure I'd never be competent to return to work -- I'd never remember things, I wouldn't have the stamina to work a full 12 hours, I wouldn't be able to complete the tasks. It turns out that taking muscle relaxers and pain pills makes you somewhat foggy . . . . who knew? Once I had surgery and was able to function without the medication, I felt a whole lot more positive about my situation. I won't say the fears instantly melted away, but once I worked a shift or two and realized I could do it, the fears ebbed. In some ways, I had to find work-arounds to tasks I'd previously taken for granted, but I found ways to "work smarter."

My colleagues -- especially my manager -- have been so good to me! My manager held my job for me even when I was out twice as long as the allowed 13 weeks, and everyone welcomed me back when I was able to return. There are a few things that I am no longer able to do easily and without pain, and I've found that my colleagues step up and help without being asked. (Even the ones who were hired after I came back from FMLA and didn't know me before!) Other things I've had to find new ways to do.

Coming back to work after FMLA is like stepping back into your "normal life" after an enforced absence. I hope you find it to be the same.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

My return after going out on medical leave did not go well, alas. I was out for three weeks due to a mental health crisis, and when I got back I was told they couldn't make reasonable accommodations for my disability. I was let go two days later because I couldn't do the job anymore without those accommodations. I think things would have been quite different had it been a physical disability I was trying to recover from.

Wishing you the very best. I hope your transition back into the working world goes smoothly.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I have been off work since Feb 19th due to a non-work injury and I return next week. I am anxious too. Thanks for starting this thread!

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