Specialties Emergency
Published Feb 25, 2007
Caralee, LPN
7 Posts
I was wondering if anyone had a good resource, like reference cards, etc. for ER stuff. I am learning I have so much to learn.
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Prayer helps a lot
I totally believe in the power of prayer.
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
(Just giving this a bump. Also interested.)
131 Posts
It's a bit of a broad request. Any particular topic in mind, like cardiology, meds, documentation, procedures, triaging, labs, respiratory care, pediatric patients, geriatric patients, "Code Brown" procedures (grin), or ???
{Begs... please don't say "all of 'em", lol! I don't think there ever exists a point where anyone has learned it all}
Any tips on driving and keeping it in the fairways
specific enough
OK, since Cara hasn't spoken up, I'll start narrowing the field of potential requests. (Perhaps, Cara can chime in next.)
How about emergency meds that we have to mix ourselves?
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,256 Posts
Okay - I have ER Suite on my PDA - has RSI calculations, pedi dosages, IV drug compatibility stuff, etc. Is that what OP wants??
When I first went to the ER in 1996, I had a book (can't remember the name of it), small with a calculator in it that I used daily. A couple of years later when I got my first PDA, I switched everything over to it and have just expanded on everything since then.
1 Article; 76 Posts
hey... i've been a nurse since the dinosaur age. This is what i carry in my pocket: "Emergency and Critical Care Pocket Guide, ACLS version" by Informed.(Paula Derr). i'm pretty sure you can get in from Amazon too. Just remember, there is no way you can keep all that stuff in your head. It is in your best interest to look stuff up (see the post about the Dilantin overdose)
9 Posts
I have been looking for a good drug program geared to rn's forever and finally found Davis's drug guide for nurses c integrated calculators on the palm site. It is free to try and only $50/yr. believe me when I say epocrates and the other popular programs are geared towards mds and don't give mixing or administration guidelines. this even tells ysite compatibility and filter requirements, common site reactions etc. Until I found this I was getting very frustrated with the so called nurse drug programs available.