Published Jan 14, 2017
20 Posts
I was curious which of you nurses out there have resource nurses in your ORs? I work at a huge hospital so I don't know if this is normal or just because my hospital is so big and needs additional help. We have a resource nurse for every specialty and they do not work the rooms, rather help us with any problems or any complaints the doctors have. I personally don't like them, as they are just another person I have to answer to when I like to run my room a certain way (and essentially be left alone). They can be helpful when I have a really complicated case at the start of the day. Anyways, would love to hear other nurse's thoughts.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,934 Posts
We have service line coordinators who are responsible for things such as coordinating surgical schedules, ordering supplies, facilitating sales reps being present when needed, dealing with issues, and are the first line management for staff. The next level up is the nurse manager. Is that similar to what you mean? If so, these people are definitely needed, especially in larger facilities where that would be far too much for one single nurse manager to take on.
I personally don't like them, as they are just another person I have to answer to when I like to run my room a certain way (and essentially be left alone).
Just a warning: this kind of attitude will be likely to get you into trouble. The OR requires seamless teamwork- no one person can do it alone. Not playing well with others is going to get noticed and affect performance reviews.
I get along excellent with the scrubs, doctors, residents, fellows, CRNAs, anesthesiologists, anesthesia techs, PCTs so please do not jump to that conclusion. I love the team work atmosphere in the OR. I just don't like to be micromanaged and nit-picked; it's a little disheartening.
Anyways to answer your original post, yes that sounds very similar. We have someone below the nurse manager (called nurse leader I believe) before we get to the resource nurses who does some of the things you mentioned including scheduling and dealing with issues. We have been told by the management team that the resource nurses are not a part of management and to not treat them as such, because we've had problems with their roles but I problem shouldn't open a can of worms about the inner workings of my job. I was just wondering if people at smaller hospitals or mid level hospitals have something like that or don't for lack of resources.
35 Posts
I think I get what you meant - we have a nurse who is famous for coming into your room during your case and moving EVERYTHING around, or putting all the pieces of paper at a 90 degree angle or whatever. On the other hand she is incredibly thorough in whatever she is doing and never misses anything because her attention to detail is so amazing. I like her best though when she is OUTSIDE MY ROOM!!!!
haha yes that is a good way to put it, outside my room
126 Posts
I was a resource nurse for many years and was in the rooms working like everyone else. If the schedule allowed, we were allowed "Resource time" to work on preference cards, contact reps, meet with surgeons etc.